回复主题: PS3版拳击之夜3,游戏画面首次公布+访谈,游戏画面提升+第一人称视角

原帖由 hugang 于 2006-9-3 01:05 发表
再看看这几张图中人物的汗水,竟然所有汗水的位置都是一致的,哈哈哈哈,这汗也流得这么有水平啊? ...



IGN: Besides the new mode, there have also been a number of graphical upgrades. What kind of updates can we expect to see?

Fight Night on Xbox 360 in an amazing looking game. I think Kudo once described this as "jaw-dropping graphics". I don't think there is a better description. This is what consumers envisioned when they thought of a "next-gen" game. For the PS3, we've been able to add some really cool detail to the boxers. When you see a boxer in action, their veins, tendons and muscles are very visible. The strain of throwing a punch is shown in their bodies and we're working on emulating this same visual detail. What you end up with is something that looks very realistic and makes an already amazing looking game just a little more "jaw-dropping".
