回复主题: GDC'07|索尼全球工作室总裁Phil Harrison主旨演讲Game 3.0直播贴![完|补图、视频]


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This just in! My Cousins best friends sister who is a lesbian that had it with some bar tenders girlfriend who said she thought she heard some guy that goes to her dental surgery say that his brothers brother ie: himself, knows a man who knows a few men, none of which know the man he is talking about but thought he' mention it anyway but this other guy who works in the Sony Tuck shop said he heard phil harrison saying whilst getting shafted by Mr Kuturagi behind the bike shed that the PS3 would roll in at £299 for the 60Gb model with 100% backward compatability and ability to play all previous consoles before it software and allow players to play against X360 users even though they werent playing the same games. It must be true because this person is like a real reliable person like, er yeahr.
