回复主题: 【古有辣手摧花,今有恶嘴残戏】PS3 独占三剑之一HAZE IGN REVIEW来了!



6.0 Presentation
The story has some promise, but nFusion didn’t do much with it in the end. The menus and features are barebones.
5.0 Graphics
War is hell and hell doesn't look so good.
6.0 Sound
The music seems like it could have come from any other WWII game, but it works well enough. The sound effects and voice acting are sub-par.
6.0 Gameplay
There’s nothing special about Hour of Victory. It works, but that’s about all it has going for it.
4.0 Lasting Appeal
The campaign is only 5-6 hours long and the multiplayer isn’t worthy of even a free Xbox Live subscription.
Mediocre OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)
