回复主题: PALM 起死回生 ,RIM 成绩惊人, 水果 成绩直落,北美智能机市场。


Nearly 1 of every 2 Smartphones Sold in America is a BlackBerry!

The internet is buzzing this morning on word that America's Most Popular Smartphone IS NOT the iPhone. According to research firm IDC, the iPhone took 19.2% of the US market for smartphones in the first quarter of 2008, while good ole Research in Motion cleaned up with a whopping 44.5%!
A while back RIM's coCEO Mike Lazaridis made a comment that if anything the iPhone was going to help BlackBerry sales, since they are doing a good job of making smartphones more cool. It seems Mike is a smart guy, as RIM's share is up from 35.1% from the fourth quarter of last year. For more details, and to see the runners up, you can read the full article here.
It'll be interesting to see how the next 6 months go. Apple will be releasing the 3G iPhone which should boost their numbers, but RIM will also have the BlackBerry Bold hitting the market (and maybe a KickStart and Thunder to boot) and sells via more than one carrier. It'll be a good battle, but hopefully RIM will keep the top podium position for a longgg time to come.
