回复主题: 這次不夢回了,SOCOM新圖

原帖由 zhangjingy 于 2008-8-29 17:13 发表




My only other bugbear is the usual cross-platform 'gotcha' - token SixAxis controls inferior in every regard to the basic analogue sticks and disabled by default. Why bother?


I'm really not sure why this is making it into so many PS3 conversions (Orange Box, Need for Speed ProStreet and Assassin's Creed to name but three) but it doesn't look good, wiping out a lot of the fine detail of the excellent graphics

But if I had to make a choice it would be the 360 version, if only for the gamerscore challenges and the fact that the excellent graphics aren't diminished by the needless Vaseline effect.

誰跟您說的PS3 graw 2畫面較好?wyp大嬸?:fq51: :fq51:

[ 本帖最后由 村上春樹 于 2008-8-30 02:32 编辑 ]
