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http://www.wikicheats.com/index. ... /Character_Building



Educated:在升到4级的时候加,需要Int 4或者以上,每次升级获得另外3个技能点,到20级就可以总共获得48点,相当于平白无故多了一个tag skill,一定要加

Comprehension:4级取得,需要Int 4或者以上,读Skill book的时候技能加成从1点变成2点,把技能书先存起来有了这个技能之后再使用,全游戏总共324本技能书,全部找到等于多了324个技能点

Toughness:6级取得,需要End 5或者以上,等于多了一件无重量好装甲

Size Matters:8级取得,需要End 5或者以上,rank 3的时候big gun +45,这是最划算的技能加成perk,其他的到3级一般都是两种技能+15点,用size matters节约下来的点数可以加其他的

Scrounger:8级时候取得,需要Luck 5或者以上,捡到的弹药数量大大增加,既可以卖钱又可以让自己弹药无忧,下地牢虐待敌人



Silent Running:12级取得,需要AGI 6,Sneak技能50;效果是Sneak+10点,Sneak高的好处除了不被发现以外,不被发现的状态下攻击力会翻倍,配合另外几个perk基本就是一枪一个最强的超级变种人

Pyromaniac:12级取得,需要Explosive 60;如果你习惯使用火系武器,比如火焰喷射器,或者以下武器(Alien Blaster, Zhu Rong v418 Chinese Pistol, Nuka Grenade, Shishkebab)那么这个技能必加

Cyborg:14级取得,需要Sci 60,Med 60;加了这个perk之后,三大抗性+10%(Damage,Poisson,Radiation),附加能量武器技能+10;必加的技能,没啥好说的

Action Boy/Girl:16级取得,需要Agi 6;VATS的行动点加25点,基本上AP满原来能打三枪现在能打五枪了,经常用VATS的必加

Better Criticals+Finesse:前者是16级取得,需要Perception 6,Luck 6,后者在10级即可取得,这两个技能都加的话,会大大提升爆击率,枪枪爆头,子弹多的用不完

Ninja:20级取得,需要Sneak 80,Melee 80;没啥好说的Melee系必加的perk,Melee的暴击率提高15%,Sneak攻击力提高1/4

Grim Reaper's Sprint:20级取得,效果为干掉一个敌人之后VATS中的AP回满,后期vs多人的时候相当有用,当然到了20级如果上面有用的都加了你已经近乎无敌了……


Daddy's Boy:2级取得,很废的原因是一般来说如果要做任务Science一定都会在早期的时候就加到很高,这个技能等于鸡肋,在升2级的时候加Gun Nut绝对比加这个划算(当然如果你的tag skill是small gun就用这个比用Gun Nut好)

Swift Learner:2级取得,看起来很诱人,经验加成10% - 30%根据你加的rank,不过反正20级就满了,加这个还不如加其他更有用的



Thief:2级取得,加到rank3也只能获得15的sneak加成,完全没有后期的silent runing有用,Lockpick做为早期要集中升到50的技能,等你够了加这个perk到rank3的时候lockpick早就到50了,也就能开大部分锁了,所以很废

Fortune Finder:增加捡到caps的数量,和Scrounger相比太废,没有灵活性,因为很多枪的弹药很贵(在barter低的时候),比如火箭,但是有了Scrounger你可以卖火箭赚钱

Lead Belly:6级取得,喝水收到的radiation减半,废到极点,因为减rad的药每个dungeon都有,你还可以看医生,更何况血包更是多到用不完

Rad Resistence:Rad-X多到用不完……为何要加这个废技能

Life Giver:HP+30……没有比这个更废的了……如果觉得你打架时候掉HP太容易,还不如去加到Nerd Rage上

Contract Killer:可以从好的人类或者Ghoul的尸体上采集到耳朵去卖钱……比如某个NPC Ghoul或者好人(不能是Raiders),但是你基本找不到好人……所以还是算了吧

Master Trader:14级可以取得,14级基本可以通过卖子弹挣钱,钱多到花不完,就不要浪费点加这个了

Computer Whiz:18级取得废柴技能,破解电脑的时候得到多一次机会,实际上你破解电脑的时候还剩一次机会的时候退出再进可试次数就回满了,所以这个很废(加上最难的破解电脑其实也很简单,如果看的仔细的话)

而和science机能相关的attribute是你的INT,INT到了7点你就可以在升级过程中获得所有于破解电脑有关的perk(但是INT到7能解开的Computer Whiz绝对不要去选,原因见后)




开始的时候你总共有四次机会,注意,如果你用完了四次机会,电脑就被锁住了,除非你在其他地方拿到密码否则就再也无法进入电脑系统,所以在第三次猜错的时候,就按B键退出,重新再进(注1:除非你有确定把握可以在第四次猜对,否则不要用第四次机会) (注2:因为可以退出再进所以Computer Whiz这个perk就没用了……别把perk浪费在这个上面)

每当你选择一个英文单词之后(别去选择单个的符号),右边的command line(类似linux的命令行)会告诉你你选择的单词总共有几个字母和正确答案是相同的

举个例子:正确答案是SCALE,而你选择的单词是LAKES,虽然错误答案和正确答案里面有A,S,E,L四个字母是相同的,但是因为位置不同,命令行会显示"0/5 letters are correct";

另外一个例子:如果正确答案是LORDS,而你选择的是DOLLS,那么你被告知"2/5 letters are correct",而不是"4/5 letters are correct"








分支1:第一次选择LINES之后,如果命令行告诉你“4/5 correct”,那么答案在剩下三个首字母是L的词和MINES中选

第二次你的选择可以是LIVES或者LIKES还可以是MINES,如果选择这三个其中任何一个命令行告诉你3/5 correct,那么就证明了尾字母并不是S,而应该是LINED,第三次选LINED即可;如果选择LIVES和LIKES这两个其中任何一个命令行告诉你4/5 correct,那么证明答案应该是另外一个,第三次选择另外一个即可

分支2:第一次选择LINES之后,如果命令行告诉你“3/5 correct”,那么答案一般来说就是在WIRES和SIDES中了,剩下三次机会,100%可以选出正确答案


2.早期尽量提升lockpick,speech,science技能.. 很有用,speech高了的话很多成就任务会省很多事情. 优先度个人感觉speech=science>lockpick
        8,14,20前KARMA升到Verygood,之后在7级快升8级的时候,存个档,去吧Megaton的核弹弄爆了,瞬间掉回中立..升级,拿第一个,读档再引爆,表升级,回去Megaton的废墟,3个人1头牛杀光 就是Evil了,之后升级.拿第二个.读最开始的档,升级继续玩..拿到第三个..
        总之..平时保持Good Karma就行..坏人好做好人难做..
4.Chinese Army Commando 斯过衣..
5.最后一个任务很强大.. 资本主义亡我之心不可小视..




首先就是在原子弹任务之前都做好事,最好让自己的karma维持在very good的水平(peacemaker称号)
去Megaton西南把tenpenny tower探索出来以便快速移动



定式:在0号存档的人物到8级还差400点经验值左右的时候,放弃手上当前的任务,去Megaton城中心选择加装引爆装置,然后去tenpenny tower给Mr Burke报道(暂时不要接受门口那个Ghoul的任务),上电梯到套房然后引爆原子弹,引爆之后先不要和Burke后续对话(后续对话就加经验了这招有一定可能计算的不准确漏掉坏karma的成就),而是建立一个新的存档,记为1号存档;

存完了之后找Burke对话,不出意外你的karma瞬间从very good掉回中立neutral,这个时候再去外面打几只狼或者raider即可解开8级karma中立的成就

解开中立成就之后读取1号存档,瞬移回Megaton,会发现杂货店女老板变成了Ghoul而门口守门的机器人还在喃喃自语:“the bomb is safe”,Megaton的废墟门口会有商人和他的保镖,干掉他们和他们的Brahmin之后Karma就降成evil,这个时候再回tenpenny tower找Burke对话,8级karma邪恶的成就解开




另外在Megaton还有一根大支线任务就是帮杂货店女老板完成她的Survival Guide of wasteland,同时还一个小支线Blood Ties,你可以解释吸血鬼团体Family(vampire只是形象称呼,其实就是要吃腐肉和鲜血),另外Megaton的水处理厂的Walter,门口的乞丐,和炸弹旁边的教会疯子都是刷good karma的NPC

1. #1 Rock-It Launcher

Zone: 0.00
Lat/Lon: N/A
Location: Wasteland Mini-Encounter: Merchant Trader Caravan
Specifics: Sold by Crazy Wolfgang

2. #1 Nuka Grenade

Zone: 0.00
Lat/Lon: N/A
Location: Wasteland Mini-Encounter: Merchant Trader Caravan
Specifics: Sold by Doc Hoff

3. #1 Shishkebab

Zone: 0.00
Lat/Lon: N/A
Location: Wasteland Mini-Encounter: Merchant Trader Caravan
Specifics: Sold by Lucky Harith

4. #1 Deathclaw Gauntlet

Zone: 0.13
Lat/Lon: N/A
Location: Mini-Encounter: Wounded Deathclaw
Specifics: On wounded Wastelander

5. #1 Dart Gun

Zone: 1.02
Lat/Lon: -27/25
Location: MDPL-05 Power Station
Specifics: On ground, near skeleton

6. #2 Shishkebab

Zone: 1.B
Lat/Lon: -14/25
Location: Brotherhood Outcast Shack
Specifics: On a table, near a Work Bench, close to SatCom Array NN-03d

7. #1 Railway Rifle

Zone: 2.09
Lat/Lon: 02/17
Location: MDPL-13 Power Station
Specifics: Inside, on Work Bench

8. #2 Dart Gun

Zone: 3.10
Lat/Lon: 13/15
Location: Temple of the Union
Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Head of State. Possible reward (usually given
at 17.01 Lincoln Memorial)

9. #1 Bottlecap Mine

Zone: 4.08
Lat/Lon: -26/02
Location: Little Lamplight
Specifics: Sold by Knick Knock

10. #3 Shichkebab

Zone: 5.05
Lat/Lon: -01/07
Location: Meresti Trainyard
Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Blood Ties. Possible reward

11. #2 Nuka Grenade

Zone: 7.05
Lat/Lon: -26/-11
Location: Girdershade
Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: The Nuka-Cola Challenge. Possible reward

12. #2 Bottlecap Mine

Zone: 7.07
Lat/Lon: -22/-12
Location: Jocko's Pop & Gas Stop
Specifics: On the Work Bench, inside the shack

13. #2 Deathclaw Gauntlet

Zone: 7.09
Lat/Lon: -27/-15
Location: F. Scott Key Trail & Campground
Specifics: In the caravan, in the picnic area

14. #3 Dart Gun

Zone: 7.14
Lat/Lon: -16/-17
Location: Tenpenny Tower
Specifics: Sold by Lydia Montenegro

15. #3 Bottlecap Mine

Zone: 7.14
Lat/Lon: -16/-17
Location: Tenpenny Tower
Specifics: Freeform Quest: A Manhandled Manservant. Inside Dashwood's Safe

16. #2 Rock-It Launcher

Zone: 8.01
Lat/Lon: -04/-04
Location: Vault 101
Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Trouble on the Homefront. Behind your
mother's favorite Bible verse plaque [Average].

17. #3 Rock-It Launcher

Zone: 8.03
Lat/Lon: -01/-06
Location: Megaton
Specifics: Craterside Supplies, sold by Moira Brown

18. #4 Bottlecap Mine

Zone: 8.03
Lat/Lon: -01/-06
Location: Megaton
Specifics: Craterside Supplies, awarded by Moira Brown. Miscellaneous Quest:
The Wasteland Survival Guide

19. #3 Nuka Grenade

Zone: 8.06
Lat/Lon: -10/-17
Location: Cliffside Cavern
Specifics: Hidden inside the Yoo Guai Cave, follow the left wall, drop down,
and look for the rock surrounded by skeletons

20. #4 Rock-It Launcher

Zone: 9.15
Lat/Lon: 18/-17
Location: Rivet City
Specifics: In the bridge tower third-floor armory [Very Hard]

21. #3 Deathclaw Gauntlet

Zone: 9.15
Lat/Lon: 18/-17
Location: Rivet City
Specifics: Freeform Quest: Council Seat. Possible reward (from Bannon)

22. #2 Railway Rifle

Zone: 9.15
Lat/Lon: 18/-17
Location: Rivet City
Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Stealing Independance. Possible reward
(from Abraham Washington)

23. #3 Railway Rifle

Zone: 17.07
Lat/Lon: N/A
Location: Museum of History Entrance
Specifics: Underworld Outfitters, sold by Tulip

[size=5]全Bubble Head地点[/size]
list of all 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads

They add to your stats and skills. Basically, the Bobbleheads of the 7
Primary Stats (Strength, Perception, etc.) give you one more point to those
stats. The Bobbleheads of the 13 Skills add 10% to each skill.

1. Energy Weapons

Zone: 1.01
Lat/Lon: -28/28
Location: Raven Rock
Specifics: Raven Rock Level 2, colonel Autumn's quarters, on table

2. Big Guns

Zone: 1.04
Lat/Lon: -17/26
Location: Fort Constantine
Specifics: CO quarters, inside open safe

3. Endurance

Zone: 1.07
Lat/Lon: -22/20
Location: Deathclaw Sanctuary
Specifics: Deathclaw Sanctuary, initial chamber, next to corpse pile

4. Explosives

Zone: 1.11
Lat/Lon: -17/18
Location: WKML Broadcast Station
Specifics: Sealed Cistern, next to ham radio

5. Speech

Zone: 2.08
Lat/Lon: -09/16
Location: Paradise Falls
Specifics: Eulogy's Pad, on table

6. Perception

Zone: 3.03
Lat/Lon: 19/27
Location: The Republic of Dave
Specifics: Museum of Dave, bookcase

7. Agility

Zone: 3.06
Lat/Lon: 07/21
Location: Greener Pastures Disposal Site
Specifics: Office, on table

8. Repair

Zone: 5.07
Lat/Lon: -11/06
Location: Arefu
Specifics: Evan King's House, on table

9. Science

Zone: 5.12
Lat/Lon: -09/01
Location: Vault 106
Specifics: Vault 106 living quarters, medical bay eastern wall, on shelves

10. Charisma

Zone: 6.06
Lat/Lon: 18/06
Location: Vault 108
Specifics: Vault 108 Cloning Lab, on table

11. Lockpick

Zone: 6.07
Lat/Lon: 05/03
Location: Bethesda Ruins
Specifics: Bethesda Offices East, top floor, on desk in central room

12. Small Guns

Zone: 6.11
Lat/Lon: 18/-03
Location: National Guard Depot
Specifics: National Guard Armory, shelf in equipment storage

13. Sneak

Zone: 7.01
Lat/Lon: -28/-04
Location: Yoo Guai Tunnel
Specifics: Yoo Guai Den, on metal crate, eastern area of central cavern.

14. Barter

Zone: 7.04
Lat/Lon: -18/-07
Location: Evergreen Mills
Specifics: Bazaar, Jack's northeast alcove; top right shelf behind the Work

15. Melee Weapons

Zone: 7.11
Lat/Lon: -26/-18
Location: Dunwich Building
Specifics: Virulent Underchambers, mall maintenance room

16. Unarmed

Zone: 7.C
Lat/Lon: -26/-07
Location: Rockopolis
Specifics: Rockopolis, next to Argyle's body

17. Medicine

Zone: 8.01
Lat/Lon: -04/-04
Location: Vault 101
Specifics: Vault 101, Dad's clinic table

18. Strength

Zone: 8.03
Lat/Lon: -01/-06
Location: Megaton
Specifics: Lucas Simms' house, sheriff's bedroom on table

19. Intelligence

Zone: 9.15
Lat/Lon: 18/-17
Location: Rivet City
Specifics: Science Lab, on table

20. Luck

Zone: 16.03
Lat/Lon: N/A
Location: Arlington House
Specifics: Arlington house, cellar shelves

Vault 101 Citizenship Award10 loading...
Got the Pip-Boy 3000loading...
The G.O.A.T. Whisperer10 loading...
Took the G.O.A.T.loading...
Escape!20 loading...
Completed "Escape!"loading...
Following in His Footsteps20 loading...
Completed "Following in His Footsteps"loading...
Galaxy News Radio20 loading...
Completed "Galaxy News Radio"loading...
Scientific Pursuits20 loading...
Completed "Scientific Pursuits"loading...
Tranquility Lane20 loading...
Completed "Tranquility Lane"loading...
The Waters of Life20 loading...
Completed "The Waters of Life"loading...
Picking up the Trail20 loading...
Completed "Picking up the Trail"loading...
Rescue from Paradise20 loading...
Completed "Rescue from Paradise"loading...
Finding the Garden of Eden20 loading...
Completed "Finding the Garden of Eden"loading...
The American Dream20 loading...
Completed "The American Dream"loading...
Take it Back!40 loading...
Completed "Take it Back!"loading...
Big Trouble in Big Town20 loading...
Completed "Big Trouble in Big Town"loading...
The Superhuman Gambit20 loading...
Completed "The Superhuman Gambit"loading...
The Wasteland Survival Guide20 loading...
Completed "The Wasteland Survival Guide"loading...
Those!20 loading...
Completed "Those!"loading...
The Nuka-Cola Challenge20 loading...
Completed "The Nuka-Cola Challenge"loading...
Head of State20 loading...
Completed "Head of State"loading...
The Replicated Man20 loading...
Completed "The Replicated Man"loading...
Blood Ties20 loading...
Completed "Blood Ties"loading...
Oasis20 loading...
Completed "Oasis"loading...
The Power of the Atom20 loading...
Completed "The Power of the Atom"loading...
Tenpenny Tower20 loading...
Completed "Tenpenny Tower"loading...
Strictly Business20 loading...
Completed "Strictly Business"loading...
You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head20 loading...
Completed "You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head"loading...
Stealing Independence20 loading...
Completed "Stealing Independence"loading...
Trouble on the Homefront20 loading...
Completed "Trouble on the Homefront"loading...
Agatha's Song20 loading...
Completed "Agatha's Song"loading...
Reilly's Rangers20 loading...
Completed "Reilly's Rangers"loading...
Reaver10 loading...
Reached Level 8 with Bad Karmaloading...
Mercenary10 loading...
Reached Level 8 with Neutral Karmaloading...
Protector10 loading...
Reached Level 8 with Good Karmaloading...
Harbinger of War20 loading...
Reached Level 14 with Bad Karmaloading...
Pinnacle of Survival20 loading...
Reached Level 14 with Neutral Karmaloading...
Ambassador of Peace20 loading...
Reached Level 14 with Good Karmaloading...
Scourge of Humanity30 loading...
Reached Level 20 with Bad Karmaloading...
Paradigm of Humanity30 loading...
Reached Level 20 with Neutral Karmaloading...
Last, Best Hope of Humanity30 loading...
Reached Level 20 with Good Karmaloading...
Weaponsmith30 loading...
Made one of every custom weaponloading...
Doesn't Play Well with Others20 loading...
Killed 300 peopleloading...
Slayer of Beasts20 loading...
Killed 300 creaturesloading...
Silver-Tongued Devil20 loading...
Won 50 Speech Challengesloading...
Data Miner20 loading...
Hacked 50 terminalsloading...
Keys are for Cowards20 loading...
Picked 50 locksloading...
One-Man Scouting Party20 loading...
Discovered 100 locationsloading...
Psychotic Prankster10 loading...
Placed a grenade or mine while pickpocketingloading...
The Bigger They Are…20 loading...
Kill all the Super Mutant Behemothsloading...
Yes, I Play with Dolls10 loading...
Collected 10 Vault-Tec Bobbleheadsloading...
Vault-Tec C.E.O.30 loading...
Collected 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads[/size][/td][/tr][/table]

[ 本帖最后由 Jonsoncao 于 2009-2-12 12:50 编辑 ]
