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Console Codes *updated*

Hit the Tilde (~) key to access the console and enter one of the following codes.
Code Effect
activate Activates the last door you clicked on in the console that is locked but needed to be opened from another place. (doors that unlock doesn't work on)
addspecialpoints # add # special points
advlevel Advance one level
ttm 1 All mapmarkers
SetPCCanUsePowerArmor 1 Allows player to wear Brotherhood of Steel armor without the training prerequisite.
set timescale to # Alters the speed in which the in-game time passes.
Kill Automatically kill the target you selected in Console Mode
player.modScale <1 or -1> Become a giant! 1 = giant ; -1 =normal
ShowNameMenu Change your name for free, no court fees!
setgs fJumpHeightMin # Changes how high your player will jump. Replace the # with the desired height. (default = 64)
player.setlevel # changes leve to #, doesn't affect anything else.
modpca (s.p.e.c.i.a.l) # changes the chosen stat by adding the given number. e.g. lmodpca luck 3 would take your 5 luck to 8.
GetQuestComplete/GetQC Complete all quest items
GetQuestCompleted complete current quest
CompleteAllObjectives / CompleteQuest Complete quest objectives
player.ForceAV <amount> Directly set your skill values.
tcai Disables enemy AI, enemies stand still and do not fire back.
DisableAllMines Disables mines
getXPfornextlevel displays xp needed for next level
setessential 6a772 1 Dogmeat is marked Essential (Unkillable)
SetPCYoung Everyone wants to be a kid again!
SexChange Go ahead, be a transvestite, i won't ask any questions
tgm God Mode
player.PlaceAtMe <objectID> I'm working on finding and making an ObjectID list, but for now, just use the ones we know: 000000A(Pins) & 000000F(money)
CloseAllMenus Just in case...
Killall Kills everyone in the area, if you are outside it kills everything outside.
player.modav skill # Modifies player's desired skill. (player.modav luck 10)
EnablePlayerControls Move around during "locked" cinematics
movetoqt Moves the player to the current quest marker
tcl No clipping mode
showracemenu open the character creation screen
save fred 1 Opens a text file with all objects (items, npcs, props) and their corresponding ID Form codes (unique for every savegame)
player.modav actionpoints # Permanently modifies players max action points.
player.modav carryweight # Permanently modifies players max weight.
player.removeitem <ObjectID> "XXX" Removes "XXX" number of items from your inventory of <ObjectID> type. Useful for removing quest flagged items
player.additem 0000000F "XXX" Replace "XXX" with the amount of caps(money) you want.
rewardxp xxx Replace xxx with the number of experience points to receive
ResetQuest Resets a quest... assuming you would want to do such a thing?
resurrect revives dead target
rewardKarma # reward # karma points to player
setspecialpoints # set the number of special points to #
player.setav <SKILL> # Sets skill level to #. Max 100. this sets all skill bonuses but those from gear, tag skills, or attributes.
setgs iMaxCharacterLevel ### Sets the maximum level that your character can reach through experience gain. Replace the ### with the desired maximum level.
SetEssential <ID> 1 Sets the NPC as essential.
player.setav <S.P.E.C.I.A.L.> # Sets the typed attribute to the number provided. (1-10)
AddPerk That's right! Get any perk you want, any and/or all.
TG Toggle on/off grass.
TT Toggle on/off trees.
tfc toggles free camera mode (useful for character screenshots)
tm turns off/on the HUD (useful for character screenshots)
unlock Unlocks any selected physical lock (doors, chests, etc) and terminals.
MoveToQuestTarget/movetoqt <optional: questID>
