回复主题: GT5、Heavenly Sword,让PS3原形毕露

原帖由 真伪NINTENDOFANS 于 2007-8-1 11:35 发表


不如看一下Tim Sweeney对卡神这个以“megatexture”为核心技术的新引擎的评价好了:

I'm sure you have heard John Carmack talking a lot about megatexturing and how he uses it. I was just wondering what your thoughts on it was?

Sweeney- So, megatexturing is this idea of applying absolutely unique textures to every object in your environment everywhere. Computationally it looks kinda difficult because our resolutions are always going up at a steady rate, the amount of detail on our environment is increasing and the sizes of our environments are increasing. This, to me implies that you want to reuse your content very frequently. You want to be able to build a mesh in one place and reuse it hundreds of places of the environment just with minor modifications here and there. So, if your going to move in a mega texturing direction, I think you really have to look at that in the context of a larger material system that lets you instance objects and share assets and not have an explosion in the amount of content creation work that’s required because if an artist has to sit down and paint every little detail in every object in the world, that an uneconomical approach to game development. So in order for Mega texturing to work on a large scale, I think you need excellent tools, for being able to reuse, instance and reuse all this data so you save the artists time and they don’t have to rebuild custom things all over the place.
