回复主题: 美国大兵收了索尼的钱 cod4 XO VS PS3

原帖由 极品三红 于 2007-8-17 20:08 发表
Infinity Ward公司《使命召唤4(Call of Duty 4)》开发小组成员日前通过游戏的官方论坛放出了四张本作PS3版与X360版的实际对比画面。据悉,这几张画面均出自Beta版测试前的开发版本,游戏的运行祯率也同样为60 ...


http://charlieoscardelta.com/boa ... er=asc&start=75

During development we frequently tweak the color balances in the levels to achieve the look and feel that we're shooting for. What you're seeing in these two videos are two completely different visual styles for the level that were tried. That's why the older 360 shot has a distinct blueish tint, while the more recent PS3 shot shows the more appropriate middle eastern feeling lighting.

You can also some differences in the geometry in the two shots. Broken walls, windows, etc... Every level goes through at least one "detail pass". The designers will rough in geometry and do a certain level of detail, but it's the environment artists that really make each level shine. The version of the level shown in the PS3 shot has been through one or two more detail passes than the one shown in the 360 shot. That said, all levels (single player and multi) use identical geometry and textures across all platforms. If nothing else, the shots show an interesting look at the evolution of a level.
