回复主题: 所以从继承游戏库的角度说PS5只能祈求自己的游戏库刚好和那100个重合?

posted by wap, platform: iPhone
原帖由 @GYNECOMASTiA 于 2020-3-19 02:23 发表
https://blog.us.playstation.com/ ... retechnicalspecs/
Lastly, we’re excited to confirm that the backwards compatibility features are working well. We recently took a look at the top 100 PS4 titles as ranked by play time, and we’re expecting almost all of them to be playable at launch on PS5. With more than 4000 games published on PS4, we will continue the testing process and expand backwards compatibility coverage over time.

说的很含糊,到底是100款列表里的游戏支持Boost Mode还是支持Legacy Mode,屎一样的PR。
所有游戏都支持legacy mode
前几百游戏支持boost mode,目前已经测试了100个
