回复主题: 家用机的COD4, 原生分辩率都是600P

原帖由 zhangjingy 于 2007-11-11 14:57 发表

天師又造謠了:fq23::fq23: :fq23:
之前SF們一再深信不疑的消息又再一次華麗的無視了嗎:fq8: :fq8: :fq8:
http://www.ps3fanboy.com/2007/08 ... 60fps-with-full-aa/

来自COD4官方message boards的消息,一名开发人员否认了之前关于PS3版本COD4“将运行在30FPS,无抗锯齿”的谣言:“对不起那些痛恨PS3人士了,我们已经为“对PS3有爱的玩家“在PS3版本中实现了60FPS和抗锯齿。”

[COLOR=Magenta]此壮举无疑狠狠的抽在了类似EA这种跨平台商的脸上,直接揭露了他们在诸如一些体育游戏的PS3版本中严重偷懒的行为(直接移植,不针对PS3平台优化)。[COLOR=Black]而且他们暗示在PS3版本的COD4中,还会体现他们对于PS3更多的爱!比如:对于六轴的应用啊等等。让我们等待COD4 Demo的降临吧!


We have had some of the most talented developers in the world working on the PS3 version since day one. Before they had anything to work with with CoD4, they were taking CoD2 and bringing it over to the PS3. This gave them a massive understanding of how the PS3 hardware works (and only took them a few months). As soon as CoD4 was ready to be under full development, [COLOR=Magenta]that team began optimizing the game for the PS3.[COLOR=Black] Which was in month 4 or 5 I believe.

We just blew Sony's socks off at E3. They wanted to know why all 3rd party games didn't have console parity like we do. They are EXTREMELY excited about CoD4 for the PS3.

所以是 PS3 版拖累 Xbox360 版才對[COLOR=Black]:fq7: :fq7: :fq7:

[ 本帖最后由 s7912 于 2007-11-12 07:40 编辑 ]
