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Gamebryo: The Engine

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion from Bethesda SoftworksThe Gamebryo engine is both powerful and flexible enough to suit the needs of any type of game – just look at the range of major games that use it: Sid Meier’s Pirates!, Civilization IV, Dark Age of Camelot, andThe Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion to name a few. (Click here to see more.) Gamebryo runs on every major platform and is already in use for Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION 3 titles. It boasts outstanding, reliable performance, and includes all the rendering, animation, and special effects features needed to create any game.

The Gamebryo run-time engine is a well-architected C++ API that includes multiple culling and sorting techniques reduce CPU usage by drawing only visible objects.


Gamebryo’s robust rendering tools ensure that when developers pull together game assets, the result is totally polished. Here are a few of the features that make it happen:

* Completely customizable rendering pipeline features the ability to specify techniques and data on a per-object basis.
* Customizable pipeline is directly integrated with art tools – allowing artists to view results immediately.
* Pixel and vertex shaders are fully supported. Shaders can be written in assembly, Cg, or HLSL.
* Default rendering path that supports a wide range of texture effects such as
o dark maps
o decals
o projected lights and shadows
o bump maps
o spherical and cubic environment maps
* Animated textures for effects such as fog, fire, smoke and explosions
* Rendered textures that can be used for advanced effects such as television screens, dynamic shadows and mirrors.
* Support for multiple geometric primitives including lines, particles, triangles, triangle strips and a variety of screen-space primitives.
* Full range of simple rendering effects including transparency and fogging.
* Pixel & vertex shader examples to demonstrate effects like normal mapping, hardware vertex tweening, shader maps, toon shading and parallax mapping.
* High Dynamic Range (HDR) texture and buffer formats, along with other advanced texture formats. See video at right to see Gamebryo’s HDR texture and buffer formats in action.
* Full-screen pixel shader effects that are easily applied—blurring, light “blooming,” night vision, and edge detection. View the videos at right for examples.


Projected ShadowsGamebryo features full support for almost all animation methods and parameters produced from 3ds max and Maya, including

* hierarchical, spline-based interpolations
* translation and rotation keyframes using linear, Bezier and TCB interpolations
* quaternion-based rotations
* cycle control for clamping, looping and reversing sequences.

Gamebryo exporters support the spline-based animation compression system used by the Gamebryo animation system. Artists can control the level of animation compression for entire characters or on a per-bone basis to balance run-time memory usage and visual fidelity.
Other motion features include:

* A powerful animation sequence manager that makes it possible to share animation data among different characters in the game, use multiple independent animation sequences on a single character, and transition and layer the animations on the fly.
* Particle systems . Virtually any particle effect in 3ds max and Maya is supported, including animated emitters and deflectors, forces like gravity and drag, and mesh- or volume-based emitters.
* Skinned characters , in either hardware or software.
* Support for vertex morphing, light and material color animation, texture coordinate animation, and just about any other animatable value.

Run-time performance optimizations and features

* Batching of primitives. Expensive set-up time for primitives can be minimized by grouping together primitives that share the same rendering attributes (such as texture, lighting, etc.).
* Selective update. Non-moving scene elements don't require updating as frequently as those scene elements that move, lowering per-frame update time and increasing frame rate.
* Portal-based visibility. Portal systems trivially reject certain “rooms” from rendering from a particular vantage point.
* Level of detail, including LODs for skinned characters to reduce bone and vertex count.
* Aggressive memory management. Includes an override-able small object allocator to reduce fragmentation and memory usage.
* Animation compression.
* Multithread architecture. Includes task managers to support CPU-intensive tasks running in the background.
* Fast load times. Support for background loading allows smooth loading of files during gameplay with no apparent load times.

Platform-specific optimizations

Gamebryo has been carefully optimized for each platform and incorporates special features designed specifically to enhance the target platform development experience.


* Extensive rendering capabilities and integrations with key graphics tools, such as Max and Maya
* Scene Designer layout tool that allows drag and drop placement of objects, lights, and cameras
* An animation tool for mixing and matching animations and transitions
* Built-in libraries (collision detection, portal system and application framework)

Xbox 360

* VMX128 optimized matrix math routines.
* Multithreaded operations
* Memory management optimization
* Task manager framework for easily harnessing the power of the multiple processors on Xbox 360.
* Automatic generation of vertex and pixel shaders consistent with the Gamebryo multitexture pipeline.


* Memory management optimization
* Cross-platform parallel task creation & issuing framework
* Automatic generation of vertex and pixel shaders
* In-console asset previews

PlayStation 2

* Geometry compression with fast VU1 decompression.
* VU1 hardware skinning.
* Support for 4-bit palettized textures to maximize VRAM usage.


* Geometry compression.
* SSE optimized math routines.
* Pluggable memory framework for textures and vertex buffers.
