回复主题: 虚心求教:什么叫做“平台类游戏”?

按照平台类游戏的定义,2d mario确实应该是此类中最正统的:
Platform game, or platformer, is a video game genre characterized by jumping to and from suspended platforms or over obstacles. It must be possible to control these jumps and to fall from platforms or miss jumps. The most common unifying element to these games is a jump button

不过我还是有点搞不懂,像wario这样的游戏,如果说它“The most common unifying element to these games is a jump button”,并不为过,跳跃在wario中占有最重要的成分,并且它也符合“It must be possible to control these jumps and to fall from platforms or miss jumps”这一条(即跳跃是可控制的),但是同时它又含有攻击(非英文资料内说的contra那种射击攻击)、收集宝物的要素,那么是否应该归入平台类游戏呢?

Games where jumping is automated completely, such as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, fall outside of the genre.

这个”jumping is automated completely“指的是什么?跳跃自动完成吗?我没玩过时之笛(错过了n64的遗憾),但是我玩过的其他zelda中,跳跃并不是自动完成的啊。文中的意思究竟是指类似”走到悬崖边继续按方向键则角色自动跳跃到另一个平台“,还是指”跳跃中不可根据按键时间长短决定跳跃距离以及不可按方向键改变落脚点“呢?那么属于后者的魔界村就不能归为平台游戏了?
