回复主题: 法国--ps3总销量已超越xbox360

原帖由 bigbird 于 2007-12-13 10:49 发表

http://www.playfuls.com/news_119 ... _gaming_market.html


According to French research firm TNS Sofres, the French market has reached maturity, but has not yet lost its attractiveness for developers and publishers. [COLOR=Magenta]During the two days of telephone interviews (November 21 and 22), more than 1,000 French gamers, aged above 15, responded to questions that tried to clarify aspects like[COLOR=black]: what's the situation of the gaming market in France? who are the players? on what platforms do they play (PC, consoles, mobiles...)? what do they intend to purchase in the next 6 months? what do they think of in-game advertisement?

The PlayStation brand by far dominates the French market, with more than a third of [COLOR=Magenta]hardcore gamers[COLOR=black] being "equipped" with a PS2, while 13% are still enamoured with their PS1. The Wii comes next, with 11% of the gamers owning Nintendo's product. The Xbox trails the Wii with 10%, while the Xbox 360 has only 4% market share, even behind its later-arrived rival PlayStation 3 (5%). The good-ol' GameCube is still young and fresh, at 8% market share.

