回复主题: 11月日本掌机销量榜评(及psp年度形势简评)

UK - 英国DS创造新纪录
December 18th, 2007
It was just a couple weeks ago that the DS broke a record in the UK. It managed to sell over 185,000 units in one week, and all-time best for the platform. Now a couple weeks later, and the DS has done it again. Numbers how that the portable managed to sell through 200,000 units in a week’s time.

Not to be overlooked, the Wii sold over 100,000 units in the UK last week. Supply issues definitely hurt the number, but at least we can see that there are systems out on store shelves.

And worth mentioning once more, the Wii has topped the 360 install base in the UK.
