回复主题: 《Crysis》即将登陆PS3

RestlessDream在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> * Maintain (optimization, adding new features) the existing CryENGINE 2 graphics system.<br>* Assist in porting the source code from PC platform to the new gen console platforms (<font color="#FF0000">Xenon, PS3</font>).<br>* Assist in design of the graphics system and/or the animation system for the new gen console platforms (<font color="#FF0000">Xenon, PS3</font>).<br>* Develop and maintain the graphics system and/or the animation system for the new gen console platforms (<font color="#FF0000">Xenon, PS3</font>).<br><br>从要求看,只是说具备次世代主机经验,括号里的意思是Xbox 360和PS3皆可……<br><br>哪里就能yy成要登陆PS3了??? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br>这年头 <IMG SRC="simels/005.gif"> <IMG SRC="simels/004.gif">
