回复主题: Cell产率10%,幸运的话能达到20%

有趣<br><br>LZ第一个连接的文章下面新增了一个“声明”<br><br><B>Clarification</B><br>Tom Reeves, IBM’s VP of semiconductor and technology services, <u>said he was not making any specific references to past or current Cell yields in an executive insight interview that ran last week.</u> He was, instead, referring to large die yield challenges in general and the successful leverage provided by logic redundancy strategies. IBM does not release product specific yield information. This clarification was made on July 14, 2006.<br><br>突然说这个访谈是随便说说。<br><br>第二个连接的文章干脆被删除了。<br><br>大嘴巴捅了篓子了--0<br><br>PR反应慢了一拍……
