回复主题: 《战争机器2》技术演示(中文字幕)

原帖由 爱你一棒陲 于 2008-3-16 14:18 发表

Most are 3072x3840 png files and 5 meg on average

:fq55: 真TM纱布得可以啊?!这是游戏?上市没?CONSOLE上哪个游戏是3072*3840的分辨率,你TM认字不?

你的智商又突破下限了, 连墙纸都不认得啊。你是不是没有看过高分辨率的游戏marketing screenshot啊?不要整天疯疯癫癫地用那些头像行不?
再给你一个连接吧, 我知道你找不到。

Real-time radiosity
Dynamic lighting environments
Colour bleeding
Soft shadows
Character lighting
Ambient occlusion
Specular highlights
Normal mapping
Cross-platform compatibility

Enlighten is available on three platforms.
Sony Playstation 3

Enlighten is currently optimised so that the core algorithm can run sufficiently on 1 SPU, with minimal GPU usage. On a game running at 60fps, Enlighten will consume 1/3rd of the resource of 1 SPU, leaving the remaining SPU resource for the rest of the game. This may of course be increased to add detail to the radiosity solution, giving an exciting amount of scope for creativity.
Microsoft Xbox 360

For the 360 Enlighten can be configured to balance work load across either the GPU or on one of the main threads. How you choose to distribute the work can then reflect the balance of resource demand in your system.

The PC version of Enlighten can also be configured to balance work load between the GPU and the CPU. This allows Enlighten to target the most suitable resource across a wide range PCs with graphics cards of differing capacity and those PCs with multi-core CPUs.

今年GDC08已经演示了realtime demo了, 比这个UE3的tech demo还早。
