回复主题: 乔布斯宣布ITOUCH/IPHONE进军游戏界!497款游戏,数款破百万!IPHONE销量1200万!


10:44AM - Ah, 'Need for Speed'. Looks like it uses some real car models. This looks fun, but we're still holding out hope for some more hardware... that might be wishful thinking, of course. Again, pretty impressive 3D graphics, it continues to be shocking what the touch / iPhone can do. Phil wiped out... crowd: "oooooooh!" He's on the run from the cops, good stuff. "Don't try this at home."

10:44AM - 哈,“极品飞车”。看起来游戏中采用了一些真实车辆的模型,这看起来不错。但我们也依然希望可以推出更多新的车款,当然这只是“希望”而已。此外,令人印象深刻的3D图形,iTouch / iPhone 的能力真是不可估量。Phil驾驶的车辆失控了。人群:“哦哦哦哦哦!”他正在警车的追捕下狂飙,真牛X。“千万表在家尝试这一行为哦。”

10:47AM - Touch with games played on it, lots of games. Ah we get it... look out Nintendo. That's basically an ad for a gaming device. They're going for the throat here

10:47AM - 通过简单的触摸就可以轻易的操纵游戏了,好多游戏。X,这还不明显么?任什么堂的老山内你当心了!水果公司现在搞得就是游戏机广告。简直就他X一剑封喉!任地狱快洗洗睡吧。

10:47AM - "It's the best portable device for playing games..." gauntlet: THROWN.

10:47AM - “这就是史上最牛的便携游戏设备!没有之一。”----苹果的战书已下。
