回复主题: [深层探讨,勿喷]PS3事业怎么办?


(你的评测不止是平庸, 根本就是烂到家了..........等等, 我要上厕所, 让我用你的评测来擦屁股好了)


他给了LAIR这个游戏4.9分之后, 各大论坛, 网站和网志上都有大堆玩家对他进行了声讨, 绝大部分玩家都认为他根本没有彻底玩通游戏就给游戏作出了不公正的评论, 另外IGN一直讨厌SIXAXIS六轴控制而让人耐人寻味, 同样都是动态控制的WII游戏却能获得很不错的综合评分. 有玩家这样说到:"Instead of claiming Lair sucks, in fact I think it is you who sucks in playing the game" (与其说这个游戏烂, 还不如承认自己玩的烂). 部分玩家还严重怀疑IGN是否收受了微软的利益, 在PS3推出以来, 一直对PS3的游戏诸多苛刻的批评, 而相关的批评却不曾出现在Xbox360的游戏上.

目前Greg Miller在自己的Blog上跟不满他的读者展开骂战, 大家有兴趣可以上去看看.

根据众多的玩家和读者评分, 他们觉得绝大部分的IGN编辑都很烂.

RE: SHUT UP Fatty Liar! (闭嘴, 你这个整天说谎的死胖子!)
Your Lair review is just a trash. (你对LAIR龙穴的评测完全就是一堆垃圾.)

Do you think everyone is blind and deaf? (你以为大家都是瞎的还是聋的?)

Your FEAR review was a trash, too. (你对F.E.A.R.这个游戏的评测也是垃圾)

Why doesn't IGN fire this liar? (为什么IGN不把这个喜欢说谎的烂人开除?)
(因为时间原因, 以下的为大致意思翻译)

RE: Lair
I just can't express how unprofessional the Lair review was. I know it has already been changed, but how can IGN actually allow someone who works for them post "Look in the sky . .it's a Six Axis Suckfest" as their heading(which also showed on the main page) and still call themselves a professional? Angry kids on message boards posted better reviews than this . .which was about the quality of it. Seems like he got stuck on a part, frustrated, controls didn't do what he wanted it to do tho it was responding how it should, and just trashed a whole game for it. IGN is a place I do check for reviews, and seeing something like the Lair review go up just has me loosing all faith in the whole site for that being allowed. I have Lair, not going to call it a great game, but it certainly is not near as bad as a "Six axis Suckfest". I read IGN's opinion, this is mine . . let another editor re review the game for a second opinion. (完全不是专业的评测, 一个对六轴保持严重主观抗拒观点的编辑, IGN居然让他来写评测 难道这就叫专业? 估计他就是不懂控制六轴, 才写的出LAIR是烂游戏这样的荒谬评测)
RE: Lair Review
Your review was severely biased, and you should be ashamed that you're even getting paid to play games. You didn't mention the fact that you can do an instant 180, which is taught during the game's tutorial. Additionally, with all of the problems you had, maybe it was your controller. Maybe you should get a new one. (极其主观+偏见的评测, 你应该感到羞耻, 你这些可以一边玩游戏一边获取工资的烂人. 你的评测里面根本没有提及过可以驾驭飞龙进行180度的移动, 明显你根本没看游戏附设的用户手册, 或者你的手柄根本就是坏了, 去买个新的吧)

Your review of Lair was worse than medicre to say the least. You are an example of the poor quality that sends people to Gamespot. It's a dragon dumbass and a lot bigger than a bus. It isn't a mosquito. Of course it controls less precisely. That's the point nimwit.

Yes I have Lair, I picked up my copy to day and your review is a joke. You are a jackass and that pretty much sums up your non-existent journalistic skills...or lack thereof.

Even pro-MS site Joystiq couldn't understand what the hoopla was over the controls and instead writing it off to the fact some people are just mechanical retards. Thanks for proving them correct. Now excuse me while I go wipe my ass with your shitty excuse of a review (你的评测不止是平庸, 根本就是烂到家了..........等等, 我要上厕所, 让我用你的评测来擦屁股好了)
