回复主题: 辐射3综合帖 | 29页DLC第二蛋新图 |全成就全武器图全泡泡头配点破解电脑

原帖由 zafm0861 于 2008-11-7 11:13 发表


:fq52: 直接把官方攻略的那段话人肉打字给太子党同学好了……

exit to the flight deck, or the entrance, and jump into the water swimming roughly southwest. switch on your pip-boy flashlight, then swim down to the entrance between the two parts of the boat(that aircraft). Open the door, swim forward to the room half-filled with debris, continue in a south-southwest direction through the open door. Ignore the open hatchway to the left(unless you are desperate for air), and continue to open the bulkhead door ahead. This leads to some underwater gantry steps and a sliver of air you can inhale to avoid drowning. Turn southeast, unlock the underwater bulkhead door, then surface in the same spot again.

with a lungful of air, swim southeast, and surface in a water-logged chamber. Move to the next chamber through a half-submerged doorway, and clamber onto the dry corner near an open doorway that leads to a debris-filled blockage, and a possible Mirelurk hunter. Spin around and look northwest; you should spot gantry stairs(on the far left of the previous pic) that lead up to the dry deck of this vessel. Climb to the top, and peer around; there should be a vent with the number "7" etched onto it.

You can investigate the adjacent chamber of the boat, or continue to Pinkerton
