回复主题: 《最后的遗迹》英文版心得综合(4月1日更新XO版全部佣兵评价,请达人补充PC版7人众)


Melee Stance - No advanced Formations
Cup of Celapaleis - No advanced Formations
Counteroffensive - No advanced Formations
Stacked Attack - No advanced Formations
Raider's Fork - Marauder's Glaive (Enchance Unique Arts)
Chariot - No advanced Formations
Whirlpool - Maelstrom (Effective vs Skydragon) - Hurrican (Further improve Weapon Arts)
Hangman's Noose - No advanced Formations
Hourglass - ? Not in guide
Vanguard - No advanced Formations
Arch - No advanced Formations
Arrow of Arthlum - No advanced Formations
Wings of Nagapur - No advanced Formations
Pincer Grip -> Talon's Clutch (Better stats, no effect) -> Claw's Grasp (Highly effective against dragons)
Wedge -> Chisel (Just more stats) -> Matlock (Enhance ??)
Wave Crest -> Riptide (Better Stats)
Leash -> Lariot (Effective vs Mystic Fiends)
Hill and Vale - No advanced Formations
Skirmish Cross - No advanced Formations
Scorpion - No advanced Formations
Needle - Spike (Enhance Piercing Attack)
Rattail -> Foxtail (Effective Against Occult) -> Dragontail (Enhanced Armed Attack)
Trident - ? Not in guide
Battle Crown - No advanced Formations (JP guide said effective against dragons)
Mystical Mountain -> Wroth Volcano (Just stats up in JP guide)
Pentacle - No advanced Formations
Cascade - Avalanche (Improve Evocation)
Tiger's Den -> Lion's Den (Improve Hex)
Orb - No advanced Formations
Box - Cage (Enchance Shards)
Crossbow - No advanced Formations
Warhorse - Destrier (Enchance Evocation)
Prism - Obelisk (Better Stats) -> Pyramid (Further Improve Mystic Arts)
Flame - No advanced Formations
Candle - No advanced Formations
Comet - ? Not in Guide
Horns of Undelwalt - - No advanced Formations
Hawk Eye - Bulls Eye (Improve defense against Explosives)
Picket Fence -> Barbed Wall (Enchance Maul Defense)
Terrapin -> Tortoise (Better Stats) -> ??? (Improved defense against Piercing)
Blizzard -? Not in Guide
Slingshot - No advanced Formations
Anchor of Celapaleis - No advanced Formations
Vampire - No advanced Formations
Mystic Shield - Force Shield (Increase mystic defense) - Spell Wall (Increase mystic defense)
Glove - Gauntlet (Enhance Defense against ?? )
Draw Bridge - No advanced Formations
Pendant - No advanced Formations
Mystic Henge - ? Not in guide
Pendulum - No advanced Formations
Mast of Nagapur - No advanced Formations
Belt - No advanced Formations
Unicorn - Pegasas (Increase stats and movement spd)
Whip -> Lash (improve atk, mystic attack and movement spd) -> Flail (further improve atk, mystic atk and movement spd)
Bait and Hook - ?? (Better stats)
Juggernaut - No advanced Formations
Snakebite - - No advanced Formations
Jewel of Undelwalt - No advanced Formations
Church Bell - No advanced Formations
Casket - SickBed (Improve Remedies)
Basket -> Sachel (Improve Buff Duration)
Batwings - No advanced Formations
