回复主题: 占戈礻申(GOW)III

原帖由 马甲007号 于 2009-2-14 11:09 发表
偶覺得角色建模已經超過GEOW2,肌膚質感,配件質感,銹跡等等細節,跟GEOW2一坨法線貼圖完全不同 :h62

The new Kratos features blended normal maps for realistic muscle flexing, high-res shaders, rim shaders to stand out from the environment and other elements. In fact, Asmussen mentioned that his character model wouldn't even fit in the PS2's memory. Compared to the 5,000-polygon count on the PS2, Kratos is now running around 20,000 polygons on the PS3 alone.

