回复主题: WII版实况足球2009 IGN评分出炉 附加其他版本评分

原帖由 zentdk 于 2009-3-22 11:32 发表



Here's how the reviewer did this article. He played a lot of the 360 version (in fact, he did the review for the 360 version look it u;). They needed someone to do the Wii review. So he read last year's PES Wii 2008 review and combined that with his previous review of the 360 2009 review.

It's very obvious that this guy didn't want to play the Wii version, so he took the lazy way out. It really sucks that this guy is employed at all, while people such as myself are sitting at home collecting unemployment only able to find satisfaction in complaining about horrible reviewers who shouldn't have jobs.

Fire this guy, he's lazy and a bad researcher, he is so incompetent he couldn't even hid his lie from me, and let me tell you, I'm not that smartest guy in the world, but I can easily see through people faking it. [-] Minimize Comment

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Posted by: jimmykintheusa on March 20, 2009 11:06 PDT
