回复主题: 分析PS3首发,SONY的战略雄心--我的征途是星之大海

" 那么,缺少LIVE支持的PS3如何吸引美国人? 虽然SONY一直告诉我们支持PLAYSTATION的网络正在建设中.但何时能够完成还是个未知之数,加上SONY现在分身乏术,网络之事,在我看来, 在短期内终属虚无缥缈.而即使SONY的网络在一年内可以建设完成,其质量要同微软化了无数金钱和大量时间建成和完善的LIVE相比.让人不敢期待. "
However, for now we can say for certain that the online service is there - it exists and it's working, and according to Harrison, it will definitely launch right alongside the console this November. For those of us in Europe, of course, that probably means the rest of the world gets to iron out all the bugs before we see the console in March - there's always a silver lining on every dark cloud. Whatever your views on the console war may be, this is an excellent thing for gamers. Microsoft have a vast head-start over Sony online, but Sony's service has clearly learned many lessons from observing its rival, and in areas like the Store, is actually introducing new ideas and strong features which provide a genuine challenge. Head-start or not, Sony is now, finally, snapping at Microsoft's heels in the online space - and as the two giants inevitably launch into a race to take or maintain the lead in online services, the biggest winners of all will be gamers.
