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标题:《Heavenly Sword(天堂之剑)》Q&A
时间:06-08-01 17:23

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回复列表 (3)
#2 codjc 2006-8-1 17:30

#3 RestlessDream 2006-8-1 17:44
这不是官方Q&A<br><br>只是个访谈罢了<br><br>最后的Feature可算官方的承诺:<br><br>Features:<br><br> * <B>The Heavenly Sword itself can Transform into Three Distinct Stances</B> - Players can switch between on the fly allowing players to create their own fighting styles.<br> * <B>The Combat Engine can Scale Up</B> - From sophisticated one-on-one encounters to one-on-many, where enemies employ intelligent squad-based dynamics, right up to combat against battalions pushing real-time gameplay and AI to unprecedented new levels.<br> *<B> Physics-based Combat</B> - Players can sweep debris against opponents, kick tables to halt an oncoming surge of fighters, smash the enemy into the scenery or throw bodies into other enemies using aftertouch controls.<br> o Wide Range of Objects and Weaponry - Including multi-skewering spears and devastatingly explosive bazookas.<br> o Creative in-game Cinematography - Coupled with real-time story evolvement and amazing set-pieces makes the action feel like a blockbuster action movie and takes combat gameplay to new heights.

#4 codjc 2006-8-2 20:39
RestlessDream在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> 这不是官方Q&A<br><br>只是个访谈罢了<br><br>最后的Feature可算官方的承诺:<br><br>Features:<br><br> * <B>The Heavenly Sword itself can Transform into Three Distinct Stances</B> - Players can switch between on the fly allowing players to create their own fighting styles.<br> * <B>The Combat Engine can Scale Up</B> - From sophisticated one-on-one encounters to one-on-many, where enemies employ intelligent squad-based dynamics, right up to combat against battalions pushing real-time gameplay and AI to unprecedented new levels.<br> *<B> Physics-based Combat</B> - Players can sweep debris against opponents, kick tables to halt an oncoming surge of fighters, smash the enemy into the scenery or throw bodies into other enemies using aftertouch controls.<br> o Wide Range of Objects and Weaponry - Including multi-skewering spears and devastatingly explosive bazookas.<br> o Creative in-game Cinematography - Coupled with real-time story evolvement and amazing set-pieces makes the action feel like a blockbuster action movie and takes combat gameplay to new heights. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br><br>看来高IQ是不会用来翻译这些东西的。。。。。。。。。。<br>

