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时间:07-11-01 16:52

Sony Pictures seeks buyer for half of digital unit
Los Angeles Times, Home Edition, Sec. Business, p 3 (11-01-2007)
By Claudia Eller. Times Staff Writer

Sony Pictures Entertainment is looking to sell at least 50% of its low-margin digital production unit and its 5-year-old animation division, studio officials confirmed Wednesday.

Sony Pictures Imageworks has produced computer-generated effects and 3-D animation for the Culver City studio's movies and those of rivals for 15 years. But the unit's profit is "much below" SPE's target of 10%, said a Sony executive who asked not to be named because discussions with potential investors are preliminary.

"The business is labor-intensive and has become highly competitive," explained the source, noting that advances in digital technology have made it possible for smaller shops to compete with larger effects houses such as Imageworks, which employs more than 800 people.

Sony has been approached by private investors and video game companies that believe the firm could be more profitable if it added new customers such as producers of computer games and TV commercials.

Sony has not been able to break into those markets on its own.

As reported Wednesday by the New York Times, Sony has retained an investment-banking firm to attract investors and assess the value of Imageworks and Sony's animation division, which so far has produced two films. "Surf's Up," released this year, was a box-office disappointment, and last fall's "Open Season" became a modest hit thanks to DVD sales.

An infusion of capital from an equity investor would help Sony co-finance its annual slate of animated movies, which includes "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs," due out in spring 2009, and "Hotel Transylvania," scheduled for release in 2010. The unit has no movies scheduled for release next year.

Sony Pictures issued a statement Wednesday confirming its exploration of equity partnerships and stressing its "strong commitment to making animated movies going forward."

Imageworks most recently produced visual effects for such upcoming releases as Paramount Pictures' "Beowulf," and Warner Bros.' "I Am Legend" as well as Sony's planned 2008 release "Hancock," starring Will Smith.

PHOTO: LOOKING AHEAD: Characters in "Surf's Up," one of two productions from Sony's animation division. Sony wants to assess the value of the operation and sell at least half of its digital effects unit.

PHOTOGRAPHER: Sony Pictures Entertainment



[ 本帖最后由 萝卜 于 2007-11-1 17:00 编辑 ]

回复列表 (17)
#2 责任编辑 2007-11-1 17:03

#3 风之勇者 2007-11-1 17:04

#4 linorex 2007-11-1 17:14

#5 qustttt 2007-11-2 08:19

#6 江户川柯南 2007-11-2 08:24
:内牛满面: 我倒是挺想买的,可惜我没这么多个MILLION。。。

#7 wei89wei 2007-11-2 09:08

#8 金碧辉煌 2007-11-2 09:11
为了这个季度的财报好看点 又开始砸锅卖铁了:企鹅拍手带字幕:

#9 2006arg 2007-11-2 09:14
原帖由 金碧辉煌 于 2007-11-2 09:11 发表
为了这个季度的财报好看点 又开始砸锅卖铁了:企鹅拍手带字幕:


#10 麦香鸡翅 2007-11-2 09:25


#11 金碧辉煌 2007-11-2 09:28
原帖由 2006arg 于 2007-11-2 09:14 发表


有大脑的人都知道06财年第三季度骚泥整个集团才赚了13亿美元 而且同比下滑5.3%

#12 GAYBL 2007-11-2 09:29
:肥雀寒: 第一次 知道这个部门。

#13 2006arg 2007-11-2 09:39

#14 爱你一棒陲 2007-11-2 09:43

#15 金碧辉煌 2007-11-2 09:43
关键是利润下降了 看骚泥今年怎么样了:摇摆猴:

#16 dcoulthard 2007-11-2 13:18
马达加斯加不是Sony出的,是老斯的DreamFactory和PDI一起做的。这批人还做过Shark Tale,也很赞。

Sony数码动画只做了一部渣到极致的Open Season,唯一可看的是熊身上的那些毛。

#17 北野天翼 2007-11-2 14:36
印象中,我买的一些DVD就是SONY 皮客车出的,日剧《我的老婆是魔女》。


#18 jinwyp 2007-11-2 20:23
看来tg的人除了会喷 啥也不知道

Neanderthals (2009) ... Production Company
Open Season 2 (2009) (V) ... Production Company
Surf's Up (2007) ... Production Company
Boog and Elliot's Midnight Bun Run (2006) (V) ... Production Company
Open Season (2006) ... Production Company
Monster House (2006) ... Production Company

多看电影 多知道点东西没坏处

