回复主题: TGS最佳游戏TOP20.这个不知道有没有公信力

As of yet, of course, the hype on Lost Odyssey is rather hushed. The hardcore know it's big, and the gaming press know it's big. However, the Final Fantasy faction of gamers -- those who had never played a videogame before trying Final Fantasy, at which point they fell in love, and will now occasionally dress like Final Fantasy characters on weekends, and never play any other games than Final Fantasy -- don't seem to know Lost Odyssey even exists

I asked a few gamers who explained they had come to Tokyo Game Show to get a look at PlayStation 3, which would be the home of Final Fantasy XIII, which they were obligated to buy. One guy asked if Lost Odyssey is, "one of those Koei games, like Dynasty Warriors?" Most of the FF-faithful had no idea that Sakaguchi, creator of the series, had even left Square-Enix. "He's supervising Final Fantasy XIII, though, right?" was a common question. "If this game was playable at the show," said one man, informed of the existence of Mistwalker, "I would have heard about it, like, six months ago."

很明显,很多玩家对LO并不感冒,他们don't seem to know Lost Odyssey even exists。
