回复主题: MGS4 開發成員:要在 2008 年玩 MGS4,請買 PS3


MGS4 E for All 07 Interview, Payton says Blu-ray needed for MGS4

Gametrailers interviewed Ryan Payton about new features, user feedback and blu-ray necessity with Metal Gear Solid 4. The most interesting segment being when they asked Ryan Payton if Blu-ray was needed for MGS4. He replies: "The fact remains that we couldn't do what what we're doing on MGS4 without Blu-ray because we really eat up that capacity".

Gametrailers网站在E for All 07 期间采访了MGS4开发人员Ryan Payton,他表示MGS4不能没有BD,因为MGS4就是要用掉这么大的容量。
