回复主题: 【挖个坑】IDC说PS3将会在2012年获胜



by PFreak May 21, 2008 9:01 AM
$399 for a PS3 buys you a whole lot more than $349 for an Xbox. The PS3 is, in fact, the cheaper machine if you want similar specs.

by ralfthedog May 21, 2008 9:08 AM
Why are people upset at a $400 game system. That may sound like allot of money, however, it is only the cost of one gallon of gas. If you need the money to buy a PS 3, just ride the bus to work for one day.

by michael_o May 21, 2008 4:57 AM PDT
Whoever wrote this must be the statistician for Hilary's campaign. The Wii is outselling the PS3 4:1 in Japan; only lately have they caught up where there seem to be a few on the shelves of some stories -- PS3's and 360's are stacked up tall as a person. This generation's contest is over: it's Nintendo by a landslide.

by aaroberts May 21, 2008 6:09 AM PDT
Pidgeon's analysis is inane and he?s obviously being paid by Sony for it. No one even mentioned Xbox live which is the major reason people go with Xbox? idiot.

by X-C3PO May 21, 2008 6:03 AM PDT
IDC normally provide an "guessed" data to confuse people or try to lead people to do something.

by DehumanizerBR May 21, 2008 10:45 AM
These forecasts are ridiculous. The Ps3 will finish 2008 with 23,5 kk units sold? It need 1,4 kk per month sonce now to achieve this number at the end of the year, it's completely nonsense. If the person who made this projection didn't think well even about the number of 2008, I think about the the next years... lol

by aemarques May 21, 2008 7:07 AM PDT
Sorry, but the Wii is NOT a Next Gen console: no high definition video, no media center, no nothing. I very much doubt that it will have staying power.

by megustansalchichas May 21, 2008 8:48 AM
i was a ps fan gen 1 and gen 2 -lots of games, lots to choose from. then the ps3 hit and the price was ridiculous. then when they brought down the price they took out ps2 compatibility -***? i've heard of brand loyalty, but i'm not stupid, it's just a toy. With the ability to play online games and a much larger library of old school arcade titles the Xbox looked more attractive -I purchased, and am impressed by the service, if not the hardware. make it more fun and people will buy -because that's the purpose of a TOY. So it should be no surprise that people are moving to purchase something that promises to make it even more fun to play against others. Imagine marble madness against a friend with the wiimote -I can't wait. why do people argue about these things like they're mutually exclusive -aren't most kids nowadays waaaay too spoiled with all the toys they could ever want? not to mention adult kids, who purchase most of these things. For the price of a top end PS3 you can buy a wii today and an xbox next year, and be able to play everything except ps3 only titles. no big loss there. Until the ps3 shows some smarts -actual fun games at a good price, it deserves to be in third place.

by None51 May 21, 2008 8:06 AM
Nintendo is king, at least until xb and ps3 come down in price, and figures at this point are misleading, xb has been on the market for years, the other two just came out much later and demand is still relatively high. When prices catch up, you will see xb AND ps3 overtake Nintendo!

by juuken2 May 21, 2008 11:39 AM
This article is rubbish. If anything, I believe that MGS4 will drive sales and give Sony the momentum that is needed. I also believe that Nintendo will stay in first place, however Sony will move to second place. And seriously, the PS3 is going to get a price cut by next month.

by rpsanders May 21, 2008 12:53 PM
Clearly this was a Fan Boy advertisement for the PS3. The first look at that initial projections chart spells it out quite nicely. Since when did c-net get so overrun by fan boys and stop giving useful and analytical insight.

by snipa4lyfe May 21, 2008 3:51 PM
There is no possible way the PS3 will sell that many. The Xbox 360 and Wii are too competitive in America, while the Wii and DS are basically alone on the Japanese charts. PS3 is strongest in Europe, and I guarantee Europe will never have the capacity to gobble up more than 30 million PS3s, and even that is a high number in itself.

by swiggins May 21, 2008 8:04 PM
So called analysts have been wrong about this 3 way race every step of the way. You sir are forgetting to mention that by 2011 MS will by pushing out their "NEW" console, that will make this generations graphics look old and gray. What your doing is GUESSING yet again, and it's weird, because every time you guess, you put Sony up on a pedestal. The PS3 is not the ps2, . . people are not rushing to replace their dvd collections with bluray and as brand loyal as gamers might be, they are also very fickle. . . could it be that all the so called analysts just don't get it? it's been 3 years and 60 million combined units in this gen. on consoles, . . do you think maybe a 2 or 3 way market might be the way this is headed? It wouldn't be the first time an industry has split and splintered for a generation before the next big thing is released. . . . I think this gen. won't last half as long as you guys expect, and who comes out on top is anyones guess, . . now stop trying to be a mystic and stop telling the future, . . you've been wrong for almost 3 years.

by Turk2 May 22, 2008 8:18 PM
So we have another analyst who knows nothing about the video game industry making an analysis. Score one for the guys who cant even talk the talk!

by ahickey May 21, 2008 4:39 AM PDT
A genuine question on Xbox 360 shipments. Does the 10+million include the units they had to ship to cover the quality problems they had or are they new sales? Nothing I have read has made this clear to me (or is it just me)

by cgamboak May 21, 2008 8:24 AM
I love PS3 but not buying any japanese goodies until they stop the wales kiling, 1000 authorized for this year only....


p.s. 另外,不管什么饭,有一点共识是一样的:这yy文实在是 ridiculous
