回复主题: Gamespot Killzone 2 Review 9.0《杀戮地带2》评论(全译版)

原帖由 RestlessDream 于 2009-2-28 02:37 发表
Gamespot Killzone 2 Review 9.0《杀戮地带2》评论(全译版)


Killzone 2 boasts amazing visuals, an intense campaign, and extraordinary online play that will keep you coming back for more.

The Good 优点
■ 节奏张弛有致的单机战役让你充分体验动作游戏大餐
■ 精彩的在线对战让你觉得不虚一战
■ 多人地图错综复杂,平衡性良好
■ 武器分量感足,射击体验充满乐趣
■ 无论是从技术,还是艺术角度,画面都令人震惊

* Well-paced campaign keeps you in the thick of action
* Great online play constantly rewards you
* Intricate, balanced multiplayer maps
* Weapons are beefy and fun to shoot
* Visually stunning, both technically and artistically.

The Bad 缺点
■ 剧情和角色过目即忘
■ 别扭的体感操控

* Forgettable story and characters
* Tacked-on motion controls.

http://www.yoofox.com/xbox360/ma ... 438356000029349.htm

Gears of War GameSpot Review

9.6 Superb

Gameplay 游戏体验 9
Graphics 图形 10
Sound 音响 10
Value 重玩价值 9
Tilt 评测加权 10

Difficulty: Hard 游戏难度: 难
Learning Curve: About a half hour 上手时间(学习曲线):半小时


  Gears of War is an outstanding technical achievement, but in addition to looking and sounding amazing, its a seriously awesome action game.
  Review一句话总结: GoW取得了电玩技术上的杰出成就,除了美轮美奂的影音表现,他本身也是一款超炫的动作游戏。

  The Good: Stellar graphics reset the bar for what consoles can do visually; great soundtrack and killer sound effects; satisfying gameplay in single-player mode; very addictive online play; best use of a chainsaw in any game, ever.
  优点: 极致的视觉表现重新定义了主机图像的新标准;绝赞的音乐和惊心动魄的音效;单人游戏模式令人满意;极易上瘾的在线模式;有史以来所有游戏中把 电锯 这一武器表现得最华丽!

  The Bad: Story could have been a bit more fleshed out; difficulty could have used some slight tuning.
  缺点: 剧情或许还能再曲折深入些;难度还可以再微调一下。(这里指略微过难)


[ 本帖最后由 s7912 于 2009-3-1 10:52 编辑 ]
