回复主题: 【剧透】结局真的不重要——我对《盗梦空间》的个人解读【剧透】修正版1.5

原帖由 Apocalypse 于 2010-9-8 12:25 发表
posted by wap, platform: Nokia (E71)


要不说你没有仔细看片 如果他之前用过这种强力镇静剂的话那他 那怎么会在药剂师那做实验呢


在cobb实验强力镇静剂的时候他直接就进入了limbo里面 又一次见到了那里的mal 最后又一次和mal卧轨自杀才又回到了现实 然后疯狂的跑到卫生间里转陀螺来验证是否还在梦中

明白了么 所以说如果你说cobb之前用过强力镇静剂的话那说明你又虚构出一个电影里没有的情节

然后在第一层梦里又有一个关键对话情节 就是在你说的在第一层梦里斋藤中弹后众人在车库里cobb说的死后会掉入limbo以后的那一整段对话

[Cobb stops Eames from killing Saito]
Eames: What do you mean he won't wake up?
Dom Cobb: It won't wake him up.
Eames: If we die in a dream we wake up.
Yusuf: Not from this. We're too heavily sedated to wake up that way.
Eames: Right. So what happens when we die?
Dom Cobb: We drop into limbo.
Arthur: Are you serious?
Ariadne: Limbo?
Arthur: Unconstructed dream space.
Ariadne: Well, what the hell is down there?
Arthur: Just raw, infinite subconscious. Nothing is down there! Except for whatever might have been left behind by anyone sharing the dream whose been trapped there before. Which in our case is just you.
Ariadne: Well, how long can we be stuck there?
Yusuf: Don't even think about trying to escape until the sedation is...
Eames: How long?
Yusuf: Decades! It could be infinite, I don't know! Ask him he's the one who's been there.

这段对话清楚地说明了药剂师是知道在使用了强力镇静剂以后在梦中死后会掉入limbo的 而且是他告诉cobb的

只不过他也没有想到fischer是受过梦境训练的 而如果按照cobb原来的计划是不会有人死在梦境里 所以他也没有和其他人提过

[ 本帖最后由 ztxzhang518 于 2010-9-8 16:20 编辑 ]
