回复主题: 土星,Streets of Rage 3D!!!

Fighting Force (known in Japan as: Metal Fist) is a 1997 3D beat 'em up developed by Core Design and published by Eidos in the same lines of classics such as Final Fight and Streets of Rage. It was released for the PlayStation, Windows and Nintendo 64.
The game was originally devised by Core Design as Streets of Rage 4 to be published by Sega exclusively for the Saturn. Sega pulled the Streets of Rage name during development after a disagreement with Core about porting it to rival formats.
重生怒之铁拳》三部曲成为SEGA的动作经典,玩家们迫切期待着续作的出现,就像当时对2代、3代的期待一样。不过,当时已经是1994年,游戏界已经进入了次世代。同年12月,SEGA推出了32位主机SEGA SATURN――土星。如果要推出《怒之铁拳4》,自然就是在土星上了。鉴于土星的良好机能,大家都对续作充满希望。
这个时代,3D画面刚刚开始成为时尚,因此SEGA公司也想把《怒之铁拳4》做成3D动作游戏。他们看中了CORE公司正在开发的FIGHTING FORCE,想把它买下来改成《怒之铁拳4》,但最终没有谈成,FIGHTING FORCE还是出在了PS上。
怒之铁拳4》计划搁浅,但是不久之后SEGA在SS上推出的《龙胆虎威》(DIE HARD,又名DYNAMITE DEKA)却沿用了一些《怒之铁拳4》的开发资料,因此我们可以感受到这部作品带有明显的“3D怒之铁拳”痕迹。

[ 本帖最后由 xanadu 于 2012-4-9 16:40 编辑 ]
