回复主题: 【连载完结】一个时代的辉煌与落幕:小岛组的前世今生【禁止幻痛剧透】【8.27完结】

原帖由 momogrant 于 2015-8-15 19:59 发表
posted by wap, platform: Chrome
尼莫队长,达芬奇预言不可能登月出处在哪里?这是小岛访谈里的话还是lz自己的话?搜遍了 Da Vinci moon 也没找到相关内容,得到的全都是他关于月球的一些超越时代的观点的结果


Kojima knows he is within hours of finishing the game. So how did the impossible turn into a realizable goal? Kojima ponders the question for a moment. "Well," he explains, "there was something that always encouraged me. Leonardo da Vinci is someone I respect a lot as an artist and a scientist. He was brilliant. But the one thing he said was impossible was flying to the moon." Kojima gives a dramatic pause. "And you know what? Flying to the moon ended up being possible. So I kept saying to myself, 'Nothing is impossible.'"

The Final hours of MGS2
