回复主题: 说一个微软手柄连接器的技巧

原帖由 quigonjinn 于 2020-7-26 07:18 PM 发表


还尼玛半工2.5G,你知道全双工和半双工指的是什么么?胡说八道前好歹百度一下,全双工指的是同时可以收发,半双工指的是同时只能收或发!打个比方说,一个USB3.0设 ...

USB 3.0 has a 5Gbps signaling rate. The USB 3.0 specification requires USB 3.0 data to be scrambled and it requires spread-spectrum. The noise from USB 3.0 data spectrum can be high (in the 2.4-2.5GHz range).

The noise from USB 3.0 data spectrum can be high (in the 2.4-2.5GHz range). This noise can radiate from the USB 3.0 connector on a device (such as a PC or Router), the USB 3.0 connector on the peripheral device or the USB 3.0 [port].

[ 本帖最后由 grammyliu 于 2020-7-26 20:49 编辑 ]
