回复主题: psv用Adrenaline玩psp游戏使用原始分辨率的新插件(大于psp屏幕分辨率)

posted by wap, platform: Android


Currently, PSP games being ran on the Vita are actually being run through an ME (media engine) which is emulated by the Vita's CPU. As it stands, most games only run at half the resolution of actual PS Vita games, with the exception of a couple of GTA titles where full resolution has been achieved (from none other than TheFloW himself: see here). The end goal is for the PS Vita to to emulate the GE GPU and redirect the drawing to the Vita's GPU, allowing for full native resolution.


Since the release of Sharpscale, which allows all Vita games to run at native resolution (which was also part of a nuova bounty organized by @Rinnegatamante ), the Vita scene has been hoping that PSP native resolution would soon follow. With the release today, that future may be closer than ever before.
