回复主题: 心血来潮搜到银河飞将,领先时代一百年简直是

posted by wap, platform: Chrome

而且当年是PC CDROM游戏的爆发之年,所以成就很快就被大量类似的作品冲淡了。这款游戏就乐趣而言并不如同类型的《钛战机》,所谓要很高的配置无非是最高特效。


注:奔腾是1993年出来的,你说一个486 50Hz的游戏要求极高相互党羽5090显卡,这不科学。我当年也是第一批玩到的,但是周围没一个人玩下去,都改玩《钛战机》去了。1993年微软提出的MPC(多媒体电脑)标准就是486SX/4M内存/2x速光驱,这个游戏基本也就是1994年主流PC略高一点的水准。1996年MPC的标准已经提高到奔腾+8M内存+4x速光驱了,完全超过了这款游戏,这还只是玩多媒体的配置,并不是游戏PC标准,相对的普通电脑基本都是486,4-16M内存,光驱基本我国内的朋友8成都配备了。

Computer. Wing Commander III requires at least an IBM 486/50 MHz or 100% compatible system, and MS-DOS version 5.0 or higher. Pentium machines are also supported and recommended for SVGA gameplay.
Video Card. VGA, or VESA-compliant SVGA (640x480)
Hard Drive. You must have a minimum of 20 MB free on your hard drive to install and play this game.
CD-ROM Drive. You must have at least a double-speed CD-ROM drive with a transfer rate of 300,000 bytes/second or higher.
Mouse. Wing Commander III requires a Microsoft or 100% compatible mouse using Microsoft software driver version 7.0 or higher or 100% compatible software driver.
Memory. Wing Commander III uses 360K (368,640 bytes) of conventional RAM (base memory) and 7000K (7,168,000 bytes) of either extended memory (XMS) or expanded memory (EMS). You must have a minimum of 8 megabytes of RAM installed in your machine. We recommend using an XMS setup for machines with only 8 megs RAM, and either an XMS or EMS setup for machines with more than 8 megs RAM.
