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时间:04-12-03 16:55

为什么我22级盗贼接不到学制毒的任务?<br><br>22 NELF 盗贼<br><br>在STORM WIND的盗贼训练所里我接不到制毒的任务阿!!<br><br>之前在盗贼训练所接到的是redride rendezvous这个任务(学习开锁的),完成后会追加的,现在我的盗贼任务做到是在WESTFALL的东南面的一座塔的任务!<br><br>请问如何才能接到学习制毒的任务!<br><br>谢谢!<br><br>

回复列表 (2)
#2 暴走男 2004-12-3 17:12
我对联盟不熟,下面是我从Thottob的Comments里面找到的,希望对你有些帮助。<br>Poisons at level 20<br><br>Reply Posted by Kongg on 2004-11-09 11:32:08<br>Last edit: 2004-11-09 11:33:04<br>Rogue poisons is achieved through a quest that begins at level 20. For alliance characters it starts in Stormwind Barracks upstairs. You must first talk to an operative near a Keep in Westfall near Duskwood. Next you will have to steal a key from one of the guards (pickpocket) outside, then make your way upstairs where there is a level 26 elite guarding a box. This quest is best done at level 24-25. Using sap you can easily dispatch the elite boss and open the box with the key you looted outside.

#3 kirbyx 2004-12-5 18:25
我刚刚完成了。接任务的人在二楼。或许你要先拿到那纸”毕业证“吧。<br><br>这个任务一定要在服务器响应时间没有问题的情况下进行。 在塔附近有一个潜行的同行,跟他说话接任务。然后在塔下面的巡逻队里找到巡逻队的老大,潜行偷钥匙。得手后潜行到塔里顶楼有一个LV26的精英怪。潜行一闷棍打昏,然后在它旁边的小箱子里拿到书,加速逃跑回sw交差。后续任务是为自己解毒。在sw里面找四样东西。thottbot里面有提示了。

