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回复列表 (44)
#2 咪咪好大啊 2006-8-7 21:56
Enimy Territory:Quake Wars快点出来吧,我等不及了.

#3 咪咪好大啊 2006-8-7 21:56
Enimy Territory:Quake Wars快点出来吧,我等不及了.

#4 CODJC 2006-8-8 00:05

#5 CODJC 2006-8-8 00:05

#6 神之右手 2006-8-8 09:09
大神还是那么精神矍铄阿<br><br>orz 拜一下

#7 神之右手 2006-8-8 09:09
大神还是那么精神矍铄阿<br><br>orz 拜一下

#8 红叶 2006-8-8 09:30

#9 红叶 2006-8-8 09:30

#10 美版游戏饭丝 2006-8-8 09:42

#11 美版游戏饭丝 2006-8-8 09:42

#12 codjc 2006-8-8 09:56
红叶在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> JC只有高中文凭吧 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br><br>俺初中没有毕业。。。。。。

#13 codjc 2006-8-8 09:56
红叶在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> JC只有高中文凭吧 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br><br>俺初中没有毕业。。。。。。

#14 west2046 2006-8-8 11:20

#15 west2046 2006-8-8 11:20

#16 gLaiVe 2006-8-8 11:51

#17 gLaiVe 2006-8-8 11:51

#18 无声畅游 2006-8-8 14:17

#19 无声畅游 2006-8-8 14:17

#20 zhangjingy 2006-8-8 15:03
在这次Quakecon 06上,卡神又再次表示PS3机能强于XO,软饭们面对现实吧。

#21 zhangjingy 2006-8-8 15:03
在这次Quakecon 06上,卡神又再次表示PS3机能强于XO,软饭们面对现实吧。

#22 windz 2006-8-8 15:29

#23 windz 2006-8-8 15:29

#24 codjc 2006-8-8 19:56
zhangjingy在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> 在这次Quakecon 06上,卡神又再次表示PS3机能强于XO,软饭们面对现实吧。 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br><br>请你不要用一个人的发言 来挑衅众软饭的IQ  OK?

#25 codjc 2006-8-8 19:56
zhangjingy在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> 在这次Quakecon 06上,卡神又再次表示PS3机能强于XO,软饭们面对现实吧。 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br><br>请你不要用一个人的发言 来挑衅众软饭的IQ  OK?

#26 老刘吃嫩草 2006-8-8 20:03
zhangjingy在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> 在这次Quakecon 06上,卡神又再次表示PS3机能强于XO,软饭们面对现实吧。 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br>卡神又再次表示PS3机能强于XO,这次倒是没说。不过说了卡馬克大神正在開發XBOX360平台遊戲!!!<IMG SRC="simels/001.gif"><br><br><br>John Carmacks annual QuakeCon keynote address ended a few hours ago. It was comparable to his down to earth speech presented last year when he focused on next generation console gaming.<br><br>id Software will be focusing on gameplay over graphics in their next unannounced title.<br>对于下一个作品id将对于其游戏本身可玩性的关注大过对其图像的关注。<br>ids next title will be a 3D action title that will be their biggest diversion since Wolfenstein.<br>下一个作品是个3d动作游戏,也是继wolfenstein之后最具娱乐性的作品。 <br>A more advanced version of the megatexture technology will be used in ids next title which includes lots of outdoor areas.<br>下一个作品中将运用更加先进的megatexture技术并包含很多室外场景。<br>id will continue to work on games that their millions of fans enjoy.<br>id将继续走人们拥护的游戏路线。<br>Quake3 was labeled by Carmack as the "most pure game".<br>Carmack称quake3为“最纯净游戏”。<br>While they will be developing their next game simultaneously on the XBOX 360, their primary development platform is still the PC.<br><font color="Red">下一个游戏的xbox360版将和pc版同时开发</font>,但是他们主要开发的平台仍然是pc。<br>Their current project will include multi-processor support in both the console and PC platforms.<br>他们现在的项目提供对游戏机平台和pc平台中多处理器技术的支持。<br>Discussed the lack of progress development software has made over the years.<br>讨论很多年来一些软件的开发没有取得很大进展。<br>id is branching out in a different direction for their new title which they expect to be a blockbuster.<br>id正为他们的新项目拓宽思路,并期待其成为一颗重磅炸弹。<br>Discussed the fun his cell phone game development has been.<br>讨论了他在移动电话平台上开发游戏时的有趣之处。<br>Has thought about porting cell phone games over to the Nintendo DS.<br>他想把移动电话平台上的游戏移植到Nintendo DS.上。<br>Security was on the minds of id during the development of Quake3.<br>安全是id在开发Quake3时就考虑的到的因素。<br>The recently patched Quake3 bugs were let into the game code in a later patch, not the original game code.<br>最近Quake3的patch导致了源代码执行率的下降,但这些都不是其原始代码。<br>Discussed the problems of releasing a games source code while the game is still popular like they did with Quake3. Carmack polled the audience and asked if they thought he released Quake3s source code too early. Only a few raised their hands.<br>讨论是否该向当时quake3还红遍大江南北时就公布一款当红游戏的源代码,Carmack向在座的观众争取了意见,但是只有少数人认为对于Quake3代码的公布为时过早。<br>The current mod community is slacking because of the work it takes to make mods with such advanced games.<br>现在的mod团体并非做着一个令热满意的工作,他们没有让mods的游戏看上去很尖端。<br>id wants to stick with games that people inside the company are used to developing.<br>id希望制作的作品仍然是现在他们的员工习惯开发的那类。<br>ids next game has "a lot of people in it".<br>id的下一个作品动用了很多人力。<br>NVIDIA is sponsoring Carmacks Armadillo Aerospace corporations rocket in the latest X-Prize completion. <br>在最近的一次X-Prize竞赛中Nvidia赞助了Carmack的Armadillo Aerospace corporations 火箭。<br><br>

#27 老刘吃嫩草 2006-8-8 20:03
zhangjingy在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> 在这次Quakecon 06上,卡神又再次表示PS3机能强于XO,软饭们面对现实吧。 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br>卡神又再次表示PS3机能强于XO,这次倒是没说。不过说了卡馬克大神正在開發XBOX360平台遊戲!!!<IMG SRC="simels/001.gif"><br><br><br>John Carmacks annual QuakeCon keynote address ended a few hours ago. It was comparable to his down to earth speech presented last year when he focused on next generation console gaming.<br><br>id Software will be focusing on gameplay over graphics in their next unannounced title.<br>对于下一个作品id将对于其游戏本身可玩性的关注大过对其图像的关注。<br>ids next title will be a 3D action title that will be their biggest diversion since Wolfenstein.<br>下一个作品是个3d动作游戏,也是继wolfenstein之后最具娱乐性的作品。 <br>A more advanced version of the megatexture technology will be used in ids next title which includes lots of outdoor areas.<br>下一个作品中将运用更加先进的megatexture技术并包含很多室外场景。<br>id will continue to work on games that their millions of fans enjoy.<br>id将继续走人们拥护的游戏路线。<br>Quake3 was labeled by Carmack as the "most pure game".<br>Carmack称quake3为“最纯净游戏”。<br>While they will be developing their next game simultaneously on the XBOX 360, their primary development platform is still the PC.<br><font color="Red">下一个游戏的xbox360版将和pc版同时开发</font>,但是他们主要开发的平台仍然是pc。<br>Their current project will include multi-processor support in both the console and PC platforms.<br>他们现在的项目提供对游戏机平台和pc平台中多处理器技术的支持。<br>Discussed the lack of progress development software has made over the years.<br>讨论很多年来一些软件的开发没有取得很大进展。<br>id is branching out in a different direction for their new title which they expect to be a blockbuster.<br>id正为他们的新项目拓宽思路,并期待其成为一颗重磅炸弹。<br>Discussed the fun his cell phone game development has been.<br>讨论了他在移动电话平台上开发游戏时的有趣之处。<br>Has thought about porting cell phone games over to the Nintendo DS.<br>他想把移动电话平台上的游戏移植到Nintendo DS.上。<br>Security was on the minds of id during the development of Quake3.<br>安全是id在开发Quake3时就考虑的到的因素。<br>The recently patched Quake3 bugs were let into the game code in a later patch, not the original game code.<br>最近Quake3的patch导致了源代码执行率的下降,但这些都不是其原始代码。<br>Discussed the problems of releasing a games source code while the game is still popular like they did with Quake3. Carmack polled the audience and asked if they thought he released Quake3s source code too early. Only a few raised their hands.<br>讨论是否该向当时quake3还红遍大江南北时就公布一款当红游戏的源代码,Carmack向在座的观众争取了意见,但是只有少数人认为对于Quake3代码的公布为时过早。<br>The current mod community is slacking because of the work it takes to make mods with such advanced games.<br>现在的mod团体并非做着一个令热满意的工作,他们没有让mods的游戏看上去很尖端。<br>id wants to stick with games that people inside the company are used to developing.<br>id希望制作的作品仍然是现在他们的员工习惯开发的那类。<br>ids next game has "a lot of people in it".<br>id的下一个作品动用了很多人力。<br>NVIDIA is sponsoring Carmacks Armadillo Aerospace corporations rocket in the latest X-Prize completion. <br>在最近的一次X-Prize竞赛中Nvidia赞助了Carmack的Armadillo Aerospace corporations 火箭。<br><br>

#28 west2046 2006-8-8 20:10
John Carmack 大神淫了!

#29 west2046 2006-8-8 20:10
John Carmack 大神淫了!

#30 zhangjingy 2006-8-8 20:45
老刘吃嫩草在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> zhangjingy在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> 在这次Quakecon 06上,卡神又再次表示PS3机能强于XO,软饭们面对现实吧。 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br>卡神又再次表示PS3机能强于XO,这次倒是没说。不过说了卡馬克大神正在開發XBOX360平台遊戲!!!<IMG SRC="simels/001.gif"><br><br><br>John Carmacks annual QuakeCon keynote address ended a few hours ago. It was comparable to his down to earth speech presented last year when he focused on next generation console gaming.<br><br>id Software will be focusing on gameplay over graphics in their next unannounced title.<br>对于下一个作品id将对于其游戏本身可玩性的关注大过对其图像的关注。<br>ids next title will be a 3D action title that will be their biggest diversion since Wolfenstein.<br>下一个作品是个3d动作游戏,也是继wolfenstein之后最具娱乐性的作品。 <br>A more advanced version of the megatexture technology will be used in ids next title which includes lots of outdoor areas.<br>下一个作品中将运用更加先进的megatexture技术并包含很多室外场景。<br>id will continue to work on games that their millions of fans enjoy.<br>id将继续走人们拥护的游戏路线。<br>Quake3 was labeled by Carmack as the "most pure game".<br>Carmack称quake3为“最纯净游戏”。<br>While they will be developing their next game simultaneously on the XBOX 360, their primary development platform is still the PC.<br><font color="Red">下一个游戏的xbox360版将和pc版同时开发</font>,但是他们主要开发的平台仍然是pc。<br>Their current project will include multi-processor support in both the console and PC platforms.<br>他们现在的项目提供对游戏机平台和pc平台中多处理器技术的支持。<br>Discussed the lack of progress development software has made over the years.<br>讨论很多年来一些软件的开发没有取得很大进展。<br>id is branching out in a different direction for their new title which they expect to be a blockbuster.<br>id正为他们的新项目拓宽思路,并期待其成为一颗重磅炸弹。<br>Discussed the fun his cell phone game development has been.<br>讨论了他在移动电话平台上开发游戏时的有趣之处。<br>Has thought about porting cell phone games over to the Nintendo DS.<br>他想把移动电话平台上的游戏移植到Nintendo DS.上。<br>Security was on the minds of id during the development of Quake3.<br>安全是id在开发Quake3时就考虑的到的因素。<br>The recently patched Quake3 bugs were let into the game code in a later patch, not the original game code.<br>最近Quake3的patch导致了源代码执行率的下降,但这些都不是其原始代码。<br>Discussed the problems of releasing a games source code while the game is still popular like they did with Quake3. Carmack polled the audience and asked if they thought he released Quake3s source code too early. Only a few raised their hands.<br>讨论是否该向当时quake3还红遍大江南北时就公布一款当红游戏的源代码,Carmack向在座的观众争取了意见,但是只有少数人认为对于Quake3代码的公布为时过早。<br>The current mod community is slacking because of the work it takes to make mods with such advanced games.<br>现在的mod团体并非做着一个令热满意的工作,他们没有让mods的游戏看上去很尖端。<br>id wants to stick with games that people inside the company are used to developing.<br>id希望制作的作品仍然是现在他们的员工习惯开发的那类。<br>ids next game has "a lot of people in it".<br>id的下一个作品动用了很多人力。<br>NVIDIA is sponsoring Carmacks Armadillo Aerospace corporations rocket in the latest X-Prize completion. <br>在最近的一次X-Prize竞赛中Nvidia赞助了Carmack的Armadillo Aerospace corporations 火箭。<br><br> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br><br>下载视频好好听听,确实说了ps3比xo强,证据确凿。

#31 zhangjingy 2006-8-8 20:45
老刘吃嫩草在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> zhangjingy在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> 在这次Quakecon 06上,卡神又再次表示PS3机能强于XO,软饭们面对现实吧。 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br>卡神又再次表示PS3机能强于XO,这次倒是没说。不过说了卡馬克大神正在開發XBOX360平台遊戲!!!<IMG SRC="simels/001.gif"><br><br><br>John Carmacks annual QuakeCon keynote address ended a few hours ago. It was comparable to his down to earth speech presented last year when he focused on next generation console gaming.<br><br>id Software will be focusing on gameplay over graphics in their next unannounced title.<br>对于下一个作品id将对于其游戏本身可玩性的关注大过对其图像的关注。<br>ids next title will be a 3D action title that will be their biggest diversion since Wolfenstein.<br>下一个作品是个3d动作游戏,也是继wolfenstein之后最具娱乐性的作品。 <br>A more advanced version of the megatexture technology will be used in ids next title which includes lots of outdoor areas.<br>下一个作品中将运用更加先进的megatexture技术并包含很多室外场景。<br>id will continue to work on games that their millions of fans enjoy.<br>id将继续走人们拥护的游戏路线。<br>Quake3 was labeled by Carmack as the "most pure game".<br>Carmack称quake3为“最纯净游戏”。<br>While they will be developing their next game simultaneously on the XBOX 360, their primary development platform is still the PC.<br><font color="Red">下一个游戏的xbox360版将和pc版同时开发</font>,但是他们主要开发的平台仍然是pc。<br>Their current project will include multi-processor support in both the console and PC platforms.<br>他们现在的项目提供对游戏机平台和pc平台中多处理器技术的支持。<br>Discussed the lack of progress development software has made over the years.<br>讨论很多年来一些软件的开发没有取得很大进展。<br>id is branching out in a different direction for their new title which they expect to be a blockbuster.<br>id正为他们的新项目拓宽思路,并期待其成为一颗重磅炸弹。<br>Discussed the fun his cell phone game development has been.<br>讨论了他在移动电话平台上开发游戏时的有趣之处。<br>Has thought about porting cell phone games over to the Nintendo DS.<br>他想把移动电话平台上的游戏移植到Nintendo DS.上。<br>Security was on the minds of id during the development of Quake3.<br>安全是id在开发Quake3时就考虑的到的因素。<br>The recently patched Quake3 bugs were let into the game code in a later patch, not the original game code.<br>最近Quake3的patch导致了源代码执行率的下降,但这些都不是其原始代码。<br>Discussed the problems of releasing a games source code while the game is still popular like they did with Quake3. Carmack polled the audience and asked if they thought he released Quake3s source code too early. Only a few raised their hands.<br>讨论是否该向当时quake3还红遍大江南北时就公布一款当红游戏的源代码,Carmack向在座的观众争取了意见,但是只有少数人认为对于Quake3代码的公布为时过早。<br>The current mod community is slacking because of the work it takes to make mods with such advanced games.<br>现在的mod团体并非做着一个令热满意的工作,他们没有让mods的游戏看上去很尖端。<br>id wants to stick with games that people inside the company are used to developing.<br>id希望制作的作品仍然是现在他们的员工习惯开发的那类。<br>ids next game has "a lot of people in it".<br>id的下一个作品动用了很多人力。<br>NVIDIA is sponsoring Carmacks Armadillo Aerospace corporations rocket in the latest X-Prize completion. <br>在最近的一次X-Prize竞赛中Nvidia赞助了Carmack的Armadillo Aerospace corporations 火箭。<br><br> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br><br>下载视频好好听听,确实说了ps3比xo强,证据确凿。

#32 lavover725 2006-8-8 20:55
zhangjingy在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> 老刘吃嫩草在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> zhangjingy在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> 在这次Quakecon 06上,卡神又再次表示PS3机能强于XO,软饭们面对现实吧。 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br>卡神又再次表示PS3机能强于XO,这次倒是没说。不过说了卡馬克大神正在開發XBOX360平台遊戲!!!<IMG SRC="simels/001.gif"><br><br><br>John Carmacks annual QuakeCon keynote address ended a few hours ago. It was comparable to his down to earth speech presented last year when he focused on next generation console gaming.<br><br>id Software will be focusing on gameplay over graphics in their next unannounced title.<br>对于下一个作品id将对于其游戏本身可玩性的关注大过对其图像的关注。<br>ids next title will be a 3D action title that will be their biggest diversion since Wolfenstein.<br>下一个作品是个3d动作游戏,也是继wolfenstein之后最具娱乐性的作品。 <br>A more advanced version of the megatexture technology will be used in ids next title which includes lots of outdoor areas.<br>下一个作品中将运用更加先进的megatexture技术并包含很多室外场景。<br>id will continue to work on games that their millions of fans enjoy.<br>id将继续走人们拥护的游戏路线。<br>Quake3 was labeled by Carmack as the "most pure game".<br>Carmack称quake3为“最纯净游戏”。<br>While they will be developing their next game simultaneously on the XBOX 360, their primary development platform is still the PC.<br><font color="Red">下一个游戏的xbox360版将和pc版同时开发</font>,但是他们主要开发的平台仍然是pc。<br>Their current project will include multi-processor support in both the console and PC platforms.<br>他们现在的项目提供对游戏机平台和pc平台中多处理器技术的支持。<br>Discussed the lack of progress development software has made over the years.<br>讨论很多年来一些软件的开发没有取得很大进展。<br>id is branching out in a different direction for their new title which they expect to be a blockbuster.<br>id正为他们的新项目拓宽思路,并期待其成为一颗重磅炸弹。<br>Discussed the fun his cell phone game development has been.<br>讨论了他在移动电话平台上开发游戏时的有趣之处。<br>Has thought about porting cell phone games over to the Nintendo DS.<br>他想把移动电话平台上的游戏移植到Nintendo DS.上。<br>Security was on the minds of id during the development of Quake3.<br>安全是id在开发Quake3时就考虑的到的因素。<br>The recently patched Quake3 bugs were let into the game code in a later patch, not the original game code.<br>最近Quake3的patch导致了源代码执行率的下降,但这些都不是其原始代码。<br>Discussed the problems of releasing a games source code while the game is still popular like they did with Quake3. Carmack polled the audience and asked if they thought he released Quake3s source code too early. Only a few raised their hands.<br>讨论是否该向当时quake3还红遍大江南北时就公布一款当红游戏的源代码,Carmack向在座的观众争取了意见,但是只有少数人认为对于Quake3代码的公布为时过早。<br>The current mod community is slacking because of the work it takes to make mods with such advanced games.<br>现在的mod团体并非做着一个令热满意的工作,他们没有让mods的游戏看上去很尖端。<br>id wants to stick with games that people inside the company are used to developing.<br>id希望制作的作品仍然是现在他们的员工习惯开发的那类。<br>ids next game has "a lot of people in it".<br>id的下一个作品动用了很多人力。<br>NVIDIA is sponsoring Carmacks Armadillo Aerospace corporations rocket in the latest X-Prize completion. <br>在最近的一次X-Prize竞赛中Nvidia赞助了Carmack的Armadillo Aerospace corporations 火箭。<br><br> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br><br>下载视频好好听听,确实说了ps3比xo强,证据确凿。 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br>有什么意义???算为ps3争脸了?

#33 lavover725 2006-8-8 20:55
zhangjingy在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> 老刘吃嫩草在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> zhangjingy在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> 在这次Quakecon 06上,卡神又再次表示PS3机能强于XO,软饭们面对现实吧。 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br>卡神又再次表示PS3机能强于XO,这次倒是没说。不过说了卡馬克大神正在開發XBOX360平台遊戲!!!<IMG SRC="simels/001.gif"><br><br><br>John Carmacks annual QuakeCon keynote address ended a few hours ago. It was comparable to his down to earth speech presented last year when he focused on next generation console gaming.<br><br>id Software will be focusing on gameplay over graphics in their next unannounced title.<br>对于下一个作品id将对于其游戏本身可玩性的关注大过对其图像的关注。<br>ids next title will be a 3D action title that will be their biggest diversion since Wolfenstein.<br>下一个作品是个3d动作游戏,也是继wolfenstein之后最具娱乐性的作品。 <br>A more advanced version of the megatexture technology will be used in ids next title which includes lots of outdoor areas.<br>下一个作品中将运用更加先进的megatexture技术并包含很多室外场景。<br>id will continue to work on games that their millions of fans enjoy.<br>id将继续走人们拥护的游戏路线。<br>Quake3 was labeled by Carmack as the "most pure game".<br>Carmack称quake3为“最纯净游戏”。<br>While they will be developing their next game simultaneously on the XBOX 360, their primary development platform is still the PC.<br><font color="Red">下一个游戏的xbox360版将和pc版同时开发</font>,但是他们主要开发的平台仍然是pc。<br>Their current project will include multi-processor support in both the console and PC platforms.<br>他们现在的项目提供对游戏机平台和pc平台中多处理器技术的支持。<br>Discussed the lack of progress development software has made over the years.<br>讨论很多年来一些软件的开发没有取得很大进展。<br>id is branching out in a different direction for their new title which they expect to be a blockbuster.<br>id正为他们的新项目拓宽思路,并期待其成为一颗重磅炸弹。<br>Discussed the fun his cell phone game development has been.<br>讨论了他在移动电话平台上开发游戏时的有趣之处。<br>Has thought about porting cell phone games over to the Nintendo DS.<br>他想把移动电话平台上的游戏移植到Nintendo DS.上。<br>Security was on the minds of id during the development of Quake3.<br>安全是id在开发Quake3时就考虑的到的因素。<br>The recently patched Quake3 bugs were let into the game code in a later patch, not the original game code.<br>最近Quake3的patch导致了源代码执行率的下降,但这些都不是其原始代码。<br>Discussed the problems of releasing a games source code while the game is still popular like they did with Quake3. Carmack polled the audience and asked if they thought he released Quake3s source code too early. Only a few raised their hands.<br>讨论是否该向当时quake3还红遍大江南北时就公布一款当红游戏的源代码,Carmack向在座的观众争取了意见,但是只有少数人认为对于Quake3代码的公布为时过早。<br>The current mod community is slacking because of the work it takes to make mods with such advanced games.<br>现在的mod团体并非做着一个令热满意的工作,他们没有让mods的游戏看上去很尖端。<br>id wants to stick with games that people inside the company are used to developing.<br>id希望制作的作品仍然是现在他们的员工习惯开发的那类。<br>ids next game has "a lot of people in it".<br>id的下一个作品动用了很多人力。<br>NVIDIA is sponsoring Carmacks Armadillo Aerospace corporations rocket in the latest X-Prize completion. <br>在最近的一次X-Prize竞赛中Nvidia赞助了Carmack的Armadillo Aerospace corporations 火箭。<br><br> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br><br>下载视频好好听听,确实说了ps3比xo强,证据确凿。 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br>有什么意义???算为ps3争脸了?

#34 牛甲雷 2006-8-8 23:45
倒索一族在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> PS3机能强是件好事,以后开发商可以将每个游戏做成Kill zone这样的,然后还是卖PS2游戏这点销量,这样一来每个PS3开发商都有福啰,呵呵。 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 能说一下SONY是怎么残害你的吗?(估计某人又要跳出来鹦鹉学舌了……)<br><br><br>对了,顺便一提,PS2游戏的销量很好,软硬件比例超过其他主机,第三方很满意。

#35 牛甲雷 2006-8-8 23:45
倒索一族在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> PS3机能强是件好事,以后开发商可以将每个游戏做成Kill zone这样的,然后还是卖PS2游戏这点销量,这样一来每个PS3开发商都有福啰,呵呵。 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 能说一下SONY是怎么残害你的吗?(估计某人又要跳出来鹦鹉学舌了……)<br><br><br>对了,顺便一提,PS2游戏的销量很好,软硬件比例超过其他主机,第三方很满意。

#36 牛甲雷 2006-8-8 23:50
lavover725在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> zhangjingy在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> 老刘吃嫩草在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> zhangjingy在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> 在这次Quakecon 06上,卡神又再次表示PS3机能强于XO,软饭们面对现实吧。 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br>卡神又再次表示PS3机能强于XO,这次倒是没说。不过说了卡馬克大神正在開發XBOX360平台遊戲!!!<IMG SRC="simels/001.gif"><br><br><br>John Carmacks annual QuakeCon keynote address ended a few hours ago. It was comparable to his down to earth speech presented last year when he focused on next generation console gaming.<br><br>id Software will be focusing on gameplay over graphics in their next unannounced title.<br>对于下一个作品id将对于其游戏本身可玩性的关注大过对其图像的关注。<br>ids next title will be a 3D action title that will be their biggest diversion since Wolfenstein.<br>下一个作品是个3d动作游戏,也是继wolfenstein之后最具娱乐性的作品。 <br>A more advanced version of the megatexture technology will be used in ids next title which includes lots of outdoor areas.<br>下一个作品中将运用更加先进的megatexture技术并包含很多室外场景。<br>id will continue to work on games that their millions of fans enjoy.<br>id将继续走人们拥护的游戏路线。<br>Quake3 was labeled by Carmack as the "most pure game".<br>Carmack称quake3为“最纯净游戏”。<br>While they will be developing their next game simultaneously on the XBOX 360, their primary development platform is still the PC.<br><font color="Red">下一个游戏的xbox360版将和pc版同时开发</font>,但是他们主要开发的平台仍然是pc。<br>Their current project will include multi-processor support in both the console and PC platforms.<br>他们现在的项目提供对游戏机平台和pc平台中多处理器技术的支持。<br>Discussed the lack of progress development software has made over the years.<br>讨论很多年来一些软件的开发没有取得很大进展。<br>id is branching out in a different direction for their new title which they expect to be a blockbuster.<br>id正为他们的新项目拓宽思路,并期待其成为一颗重磅炸弹。<br>Discussed the fun his cell phone game development has been.<br>讨论了他在移动电话平台上开发游戏时的有趣之处。<br>Has thought about porting cell phone games over to the Nintendo DS.<br>他想把移动电话平台上的游戏移植到Nintendo DS.上。<br>Security was on the minds of id during the development of Quake3.<br>安全是id在开发Quake3时就考虑的到的因素。<br>The recently patched Quake3 bugs were let into the game code in a later patch, not the original game code.<br>最近Quake3的patch导致了源代码执行率的下降,但这些都不是其原始代码。<br>Discussed the problems of releasing a games source code while the game is still popular like they did with Quake3. Carmack polled the audience and asked if they thought he released Quake3s source code too early. Only a few raised their hands.<br>讨论是否该向当时quake3还红遍大江南北时就公布一款当红游戏的源代码,Carmack向在座的观众争取了意见,但是只有少数人认为对于Quake3代码的公布为时过早。<br>The current mod community is slacking because of the work it takes to make mods with such advanced games.<br>现在的mod团体并非做着一个令热满意的工作,他们没有让mods的游戏看上去很尖端。<br>id wants to stick with games that people inside the company are used to developing.<br>id希望制作的作品仍然是现在他们的员工习惯开发的那类。<br>ids next game has "a lot of people in it".<br>id的下一个作品动用了很多人力。<br>NVIDIA is sponsoring Carmacks Armadillo Aerospace corporations rocket in the latest X-Prize completion. <br>在最近的一次X-Prize竞赛中Nvidia赞助了Carmack的Armadillo Aerospace corporations 火箭。<br><HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 下载视频好好听听,确实说了ps3比xo强,证据确凿。 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 有什么意义???算为ps3争脸了? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 意义在于让一直拼命鼓吹“360性能远超PS3”、“PS3性能是7300级别”的棒锤、lili2k2、jfb之流下不了台。

#37 牛甲雷 2006-8-8 23:50
lavover725在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> zhangjingy在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> 老刘吃嫩草在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> zhangjingy在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> 在这次Quakecon 06上,卡神又再次表示PS3机能强于XO,软饭们面对现实吧。 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br>卡神又再次表示PS3机能强于XO,这次倒是没说。不过说了卡馬克大神正在開發XBOX360平台遊戲!!!<IMG SRC="simels/001.gif"><br><br><br>John Carmacks annual QuakeCon keynote address ended a few hours ago. It was comparable to his down to earth speech presented last year when he focused on next generation console gaming.<br><br>id Software will be focusing on gameplay over graphics in their next unannounced title.<br>对于下一个作品id将对于其游戏本身可玩性的关注大过对其图像的关注。<br>ids next title will be a 3D action title that will be their biggest diversion since Wolfenstein.<br>下一个作品是个3d动作游戏,也是继wolfenstein之后最具娱乐性的作品。 <br>A more advanced version of the megatexture technology will be used in ids next title which includes lots of outdoor areas.<br>下一个作品中将运用更加先进的megatexture技术并包含很多室外场景。<br>id will continue to work on games that their millions of fans enjoy.<br>id将继续走人们拥护的游戏路线。<br>Quake3 was labeled by Carmack as the "most pure game".<br>Carmack称quake3为“最纯净游戏”。<br>While they will be developing their next game simultaneously on the XBOX 360, their primary development platform is still the PC.<br><font color="Red">下一个游戏的xbox360版将和pc版同时开发</font>,但是他们主要开发的平台仍然是pc。<br>Their current project will include multi-processor support in both the console and PC platforms.<br>他们现在的项目提供对游戏机平台和pc平台中多处理器技术的支持。<br>Discussed the lack of progress development software has made over the years.<br>讨论很多年来一些软件的开发没有取得很大进展。<br>id is branching out in a different direction for their new title which they expect to be a blockbuster.<br>id正为他们的新项目拓宽思路,并期待其成为一颗重磅炸弹。<br>Discussed the fun his cell phone game development has been.<br>讨论了他在移动电话平台上开发游戏时的有趣之处。<br>Has thought about porting cell phone games over to the Nintendo DS.<br>他想把移动电话平台上的游戏移植到Nintendo DS.上。<br>Security was on the minds of id during the development of Quake3.<br>安全是id在开发Quake3时就考虑的到的因素。<br>The recently patched Quake3 bugs were let into the game code in a later patch, not the original game code.<br>最近Quake3的patch导致了源代码执行率的下降,但这些都不是其原始代码。<br>Discussed the problems of releasing a games source code while the game is still popular like they did with Quake3. Carmack polled the audience and asked if they thought he released Quake3s source code too early. Only a few raised their hands.<br>讨论是否该向当时quake3还红遍大江南北时就公布一款当红游戏的源代码,Carmack向在座的观众争取了意见,但是只有少数人认为对于Quake3代码的公布为时过早。<br>The current mod community is slacking because of the work it takes to make mods with such advanced games.<br>现在的mod团体并非做着一个令热满意的工作,他们没有让mods的游戏看上去很尖端。<br>id wants to stick with games that people inside the company are used to developing.<br>id希望制作的作品仍然是现在他们的员工习惯开发的那类。<br>ids next game has "a lot of people in it".<br>id的下一个作品动用了很多人力。<br>NVIDIA is sponsoring Carmacks Armadillo Aerospace corporations rocket in the latest X-Prize completion. <br>在最近的一次X-Prize竞赛中Nvidia赞助了Carmack的Armadillo Aerospace corporations 火箭。<br><HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 下载视频好好听听,确实说了ps3比xo强,证据确凿。 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 有什么意义???算为ps3争脸了? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 意义在于让一直拼命鼓吹“360性能远超PS3”、“PS3性能是7300级别”的棒锤、lili2k2、jfb之流下不了台。

#38 codjc 2006-8-9 00:20
倒索一族在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> 牛甲雷在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> 倒索一族在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> PS3机能强是件好事,以后开发商可以将每个游戏做成Kill zone这样的,然后还是卖PS2游戏这点销量,这样一来每个PS3开发商都有福啰,呵呵。 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 能说一下SONY是怎么残害你的吗?(估计某人又要跳出来鹦鹉学舌了……)<br><br><br>对了,顺便一提,PS2游戏的销量很好,软硬件比例超过其他主机,第三方很满意。 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br><br>请问索尼是怎么优待你的?<br>想起来了,随便问一句,不要太敏感,你的母亲和久多良木健有什么关系吗? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br><br><br>版主何在?管理员何在?   这样的人为何不封?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#39 codjc 2006-8-9 00:20
倒索一族在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> 牛甲雷在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> 倒索一族在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> PS3机能强是件好事,以后开发商可以将每个游戏做成Kill zone这样的,然后还是卖PS2游戏这点销量,这样一来每个PS3开发商都有福啰,呵呵。 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 能说一下SONY是怎么残害你的吗?(估计某人又要跳出来鹦鹉学舌了……)<br><br><br>对了,顺便一提,PS2游戏的销量很好,软硬件比例超过其他主机,第三方很满意。 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br><br>请问索尼是怎么优待你的?<br>想起来了,随便问一句,不要太敏感,你的母亲和久多良木健有什么关系吗? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br><br><br>版主何在?管理员何在?   这样的人为何不封?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#40 dmc3 2006-8-9 00:21

#41 dmc3 2006-8-9 00:21

#42 湖名 2006-8-9 01:10

#43 湖名 2006-8-9 01:10

#44 codjc 2006-8-9 18:51
湖名在上个帖子中说<br> <BLOCKQUOTE>引用:<HR> 大神能不能作个象样的游戏出来,别又整个DOOM3那样炫引擎没游戏性的残废品出来 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <br><br>神与人是不一样地,好像卡马克目的就是开发好引擎。。。。。。

