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时间:06-08-14 22:28

转自:Nintendo Wii 主题站点




- (L) 目前确认推出的Wii平台游戏

- (O) 同其他平台一起推出的游戏

- (N) 任天堂第及第二方开发的游戏

- (?) 未确认或传闻中的游戏

百发子弹— IGN (O) (?)
动物之森(Wii) — IGN (N) (?)
Untitled AQ Interactive game based on a major comic license — IGN
别惹蚂蚁— Midway (O)
Unspecified Artdink Project(s) — AdvancedMN
降世神通— THQ (O) (reported for launch {fact})
Untitled Banpresto Family Action Game — Gamespot
Unspecified Barking Lizards Technologies projects — Codename Revolution
超级大战争Wii - IGN (N) (?)
北京2008奥运会— TeamXbox (O) (?)
炽天使:二战空骑兵— Ubisoft (O) (L)
死神 (Wii) — Go Nintendo
闪电战:联盟— Midway (O) (L)
Bob Ross:欢乐画室— Planet GameCube (O)
炸弹人大陆— Gamespot
拳击游戏— Gamespot
泡泡龙:革命— Majesco
使命召唤3— IGN (O) (L)
Untitled Camelot RPG — IGN
汽车总动员— IGN (O) (L)
Unspecified Cellien Studios project(s) — The Wiire
厨房老妈:与国际友人一起烹饪— GameSpot
黑暗— Crossbeam Studios Entertainment
数码兽Wii — Gamespot
天灾:危机之日— Pro-G (N)
四眼天鸡— Buena Vista Games (O)
拜访罗宾逊一家— Buena Vista Games (O)
大金刚Wii — IGN (N)
龙珠Z:天下一武道会2— Planet GameCube (O) (L)
勇者斗恶龙剑:面具女王与镜之塔— IGN (L)
猎鸭Wii — IGN (N) (?)
Unspecified Eidos Projects — GameSpot
Elebits — IGN (L)
Unspecified Emerging Entertainment Violence-Free Triple-A Gaming title –
Consumer Electronics Net (O)
Unspecified Epoch project — GameSpot
激情大卡车Cubed3 (N)(L)
永恒黑暗续作(TBA) (Wii) — [1] (n)
孤岛惊魂— Ubisoft (L)
FIFA足球— IGN (O) (?)
最终幻想水晶编年史:水晶传送者— IGN (L)
火焰之纹章Wii — GameSpot
体感骑马机— N-Sider
Untitled From Software action game — Gamespot
Unspecified From Yellow to Orange studio project — Gamasutra
Unspecified Game Factory project — Gamespot
Untitled Gearbox Software project(s) — GamerCC
Unspecified Genki game — Gamespot
教父— EA (O)
Untitled Godzilla project — The Wiire
Unspecified Grand Prix Games project — Codename Revolution
GT专业系列— Ubisoft (L)
快乐大脚— (O)
Unspecified Harry Potter title — EA
牧场物语(Wii) — Gamespot
英雄— Gamespot
Untitled Hideo Kojima Project —
Unspecified High Voltage projects — Gamasutra
Untitled Hudson Soft Flight Game — IGN
Unspecified Jaleco title — Gamespot
Jawa — Gamespot
Untitled Konami soccer game — Gamespot
杀戮之日— IGN (O) (?)
Untitled Krome Studios Project(s) — Aussie-Nintendo
塞尔达传说:黎明公主— IGN (N) (O) (L)
电车GO!— Gamespot
迷失— IGN (O)
Unspecified LucasArts project(s) — IGN
Machi Kuru Domino — IGN
马达加斯加2— IGN (O)
Madden 07 — Gamespot (L)
Untitled Mana MMORPG — GoNintendo (?)
马里奥画笔Wii — Gaming Horizon (N) (?)
漫画英雄:终极联盟— Activision (O) (L)
Untitled Marvelous Interactive simulation title — Gamespot
荣誉勋章:空降— Gamespot (O)
Mercury Type R — Go Nintendo
合金弹头精选集— IGN (L)
银河战士3:堕落— Joystiq (N) (L)
Unspecified Midway titles — 1up
Untitled Milestone Inc. action Game — Gamespot
Untitled Milestone Inc. Vertical Shooter — Gamespot
机动战士高达— Gamespot (?)
怪物四驱:世界巡回赛— Ubisoft (O) (L)
真人快打:末日战场— GamesRadar (O)
憨豆先生:进城— Gamespot
Untitled MTO Character Action Game — Gamespot
Untitled Namco Bandai game — Gamespot
Untitled Namco Bandai action Game — Gamespot
Untitled Namco Bandai RPG — Gamespot
云斯顿07— IGN (O) (?)
NBA Live — IGN (O) (?)
NCAA橄榄球07— IGN (O) (?)
Untitled Neko Entertainment Project — Codename Revolution
Necro-Nesia — Gamespot
极品飞车:碳化— IGN (O)
Untitled n-Space game — Gamespot
Untitled oeFun project — Just Pause
海贼王:终极冒险— IGN
狩猎季节— Ubisoft (L)
Orb — Crossbeam Studios Entertainment
飞行之翼— Gamestop (N)
宠物小精灵:革命战争— IGN (N)
波斯王子Wii — IGN
战锤计划— Gaming Age (N)
Unspecified Radical Entertainment project(s) — MaxHire
突击再临Wii — IGN
狂暴:完全破坏— Advanced Media Network (O)
农场故事— Gamespot
雷曼:疯狂兔子— GamingAge (L)
冠军争霸3— Nwiizone (?)
赤铁— Game Informer (L)
生化危机(Wii) — Gamespot
Unspecified Red Tribe Project — Vooks.Net
悲伤— GameSpot
San-X All-Star Revolution — Gamespot
SD高达G破坏者— Gamespot
三国动作游戏— Gamasutra
Untitled Sensory Sweep Studios action title — Codename Revolution
怪物史莱克3— IGN (O) (?)
Untitled The Simpsons project(s) — AdvancedMN (O) (?)
Untitled Simple Series game — Gamespot
史努比VS红男爵— The Wiire
索尼克:野火— SEGA
蜘蛛人3— IGN (O)
海绵巴伯— Planet GameCube (O) (L)
孢子— GameSpy (O)
极限滑雪 Wii — EA
Standard Mercury R — CodenameRevolution (?)
星球大战:原力— Gamasutra (?)
超级马里奥:银河— 1UP (N)
马里奥足球Wii — IGN (N) (?)
超级猴球:香蕉闪电战— (L)
任天堂明星大乱斗X— IGN (N)
魔法飞球— Planet GameCube (L)
电子鸡— Gamespot
忍者神龟— IGN (O)
Thorn — Crossbeam Studios Entertainment (?)
泰格伍兹高尔夫球巡回赛— EA
化解危机Wii — Spong (?)
摔角联盟! — IGN (O)
细胞分裂:双重间谍— IGN (O) (?)
Untitled Tomy Action Game — Gamespot
Untitled Tomy Battle Action Game — Gamespot
托尼霍克滑板— IGN (L)
超执刀:瞬断— GamesAreFun (L)
Turn IT Around!! — Gamespot
Unspecified Vivendi Games Title — Gamespot
瓦里奥制造:平滑移动— Cubed3 (N)
Wii Music — GameSpot(N)
Wii Sports — Cubed3 (N) (L)
Wii Motor Sports — IGN (N)
Untitled Yoot Saito project — Codename Revolution



[ 本帖最后由 parpar 于 2006-8-15 00:07 编辑 ]

回复列表 (18)
#2 我要玩游戏 2006-8-14 22:34
北京2008奥运会— TeamXbox (O) (?)


#3 van601030 2006-8-14 22:35

#4 ndsl 2006-8-14 22:42
就这些? :D:D:D

#5 飞人乔丹 2006-8-14 22:43

#6 fangel 2006-8-14 22:44

#7 ywlnn 2006-8-14 22:48

#8 斗烟玉 2006-8-14 22:57

#9 BDjoe 2006-8-14 22:58

#10 Leny 2006-8-15 00:01

#11 ANGELZELDA 2006-8-15 00:29

#12 czzj12345 2006-8-15 01:42

#13 dorashop 2006-8-15 09:07

#14 qiqidudu 2006-8-15 09:09

#15 yplxf 2006-8-15 09:14

#16 wjbobby 2006-8-15 10:28

#17 PENNYSHAW 2006-8-15 15:49
厨房老妈:与国际友人一起烹饪— GameSpot

#18 海苔 2006-8-15 16:46

#19 收集者 2006-8-15 22:43

