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时间:08-05-21 18:35


Indeed, it's quickly apparent that Guerilla has come much closer to the original trailer than most anyone thought possible. It's not 100% identical to be sure, but there are times (quite often) when it's really, really damn close.

While not featuring as much normal mapping in pro-pixel leatherization diffusion as Gears of War, it bests it in other ways. For one, there's more polygonal detail in, well, everything. Soldiers' faces looked unbelievable, and while you can pick out polygons while studying their shoulders, we must repeat that you have to study them. Streets and buildings are lined with stuff, and there's not really a better way to encompass that. Power lines, boxes, railings, window sills, trash... it's all there. While there aren't as many effects going on as we've seen in some UE3 gamers, there's unmistakably more detail to everything.

The lighting is also smoother. While UE3 games like Gears boast realtime lighting for everything, Killzone 2's lighting scheme mixes realtime and pre-canned lighting for an extremely smooth and, frankly, extremely impressive lighting model. The art direction, what with its dark colors and overly-gritty feel, keep the game from looking "real", but that doesn't mean it isn't absolutely immersive. I will personally say that I can't remember seeing a more impressive lighting model than this. More realistic? Maybe. But more impressive? No.

大意kz2damn close朝着制作组希望的(估计E3 05)。不像geow那样那么多法线在预象素、皮革化漫反射以提高低模光照的真实性。而kz2是用更多多边形来提高真实性, well, everything. Soldiers' 脸looked unbelievable。这么多细节在ue3的游戏里是看不见的。


回复列表 (67)
#2 村上春樹 2008-5-21 18:36

原來LZ挖的是2007 E3的老文啊:猴子赞同: 那時IGN 看過GEOW 2了嗎?


The lighting is also smoother. While UE3 games like Gears boast realtime lighting for everything, Killzone 2's lighting scheme mixes realtime and pre-canned lighting for an extremely smooth and, frankly, extremely impressive lighting model

[ 本帖最后由 村上春樹 于 2008-5-21 18:37 编辑 ]

#3 取暖的刺猬 2008-5-21 18:37
kz2damn close朝着制作组希望的
well, everything. Soldiers' 脸looked unbelievable


#4 hexie 2008-5-21 18:39
kz2damn close朝着制作组希望的
well, everything. Soldiers' 脸looked unbelievable



#5 村上春樹 2008-5-21 18:40
LZ 還欠著我的問題沒答呢,能自我回應一下嗎?

#6 hexie 2008-5-21 18:43

#7 村上春樹 2008-5-21 18:44
原帖由 hexie 于 2008-5-21 18:43 发表


The lighting is also smoother. While UE3 games like Gears boast realtime lighting for everything, Killzone 2's lighting scheme mixes realtime and pre-canned lighting for an extremely smooth and, frankly, extremely impressive lighting model


#8 hexie 2008-5-21 18:45
kz2混有实时和预渲染,extremely smooth and, frankly, extremely impressive lighting model。

#9 村上春樹 2008-5-21 18:46
原帖由 hexie 于 2008-5-21 18:45 发表
kz2混有实时和预渲染,extremely smooth and, frankly, extremely impressive lighting model。


While UE3 games like Gears boast realtime lighting for everything, Killzone 2's lighting scheme mixes realtime and pre-canned lighting for an extremely smooth and, frankly, extremely impressive lighting model

#10 moonworm 2008-5-21 18:50
原帖由 PSONY 于 2008-5-7 7:26:00 发表

[ 本帖最后由 moonworm 于 2008-5-21 18:51 编辑 ]

#11 村上春樹 2008-5-21 18:51
光看LZ連「well, everything. Soldiers' 脸looked unbelievable」都弄不出中文,怎能要他做正常的翻譯呢?


#12 hexie 2008-5-21 18:53
从句子可判断作者意图玛,前面说了kz2 The lighting is smoother。而geow是boast每个光在每个物体。后面再进一步说明kz2的光 extremely smooth and, frankly, extremely impressive lighting mode了。英语这东西要意会。

#13 moonworm 2008-5-21 18:53

#14 AngelKillerr 2008-5-21 18:53

#15 hexie 2008-5-21 18:54
「well, everything. Soldiers' 脸looked unbelievable」这一句都看不懂么。

#16 村上春樹 2008-5-21 18:55
原帖由 hexie 于 2008-5-21 18:53 发表
从句子可判断作者意图玛,前面说了kz2 The lighting is smoother。而geow是boast每个光在每个物体。后面再进一步说明kz2的光 extremely smooth and, frankly, extremely impressive lighting mode了。英语这东西要意 ...




#17 村上春樹 2008-5-21 18:56
原帖由 hexie 于 2008-5-21 18:54 发表
「well, everything. Soldiers' 脸looked unbelievable」这一句都看不懂么。


#18 村上春樹 2008-5-21 18:58
ign 告訴讀者,geow 是全即時光照,KZ 2混合美工畫上去的光照(PRE-CANNED便是這意思,預先做好)與即時光照。

#19 yilaguan2k2 2008-5-21 18:58

#20 hexie 2008-5-21 19:03


#21 tripx 2008-5-21 19:03


#22 yilaguan2k2 2008-5-21 19:05
原帖由 hexie 于 2008-5-21 19:03 发表

是的这句我是有倾向性 ...

发贴前你自己看过自己的翻译吗? 这样的漏洞不是招人来喷你。

[ 本帖最后由 yilaguan2k2 于 2008-5-21 19:07 编辑 ]

#23 村上春樹 2008-5-21 19:06
原帖由 hexie 于 2008-5-21 19:03 发表

是的这句我是有倾向性 ...

IGN 提出的GEOW 即時兩詞被你吞了?看到KZ 2後面有PRE-CANNED嚇到得藏起來不見人?

[ 本帖最后由 村上春樹 于 2008-5-21 19:07 编辑 ]

#24 苍月 2008-5-21 19:08

#25 苍月 2008-5-21 19:10

#26 cfqxd 2008-5-21 19:12

#27 yilaguan2k2 2008-5-21 19:14

[ 本帖最后由 yilaguan2k2 于 2008-5-21 19:23 编辑 ]

#28 苍月 2008-5-21 19:16

#29 cfqxd 2008-5-21 19:17

#30 cfqxd 2008-5-21 19:19

#31 苍月 2008-5-21 19:24
原帖由 cfqxd 于 2008-5-21 19:19 发表


#32 苍月 2008-5-21 19:30

#33 cfqxd 2008-5-21 19:32

#34 WANNZ 2008-5-21 19:34
geow 是全即時光照?:企鹅抽筋蹬腿: :企鹅捶地: :肥雀寒:

#35 realclone 2008-5-21 19:49

#36 jfb 2008-5-21 20:03
翻译成这个样子, 索黑的太厉害了。

#37 村上春樹 2008-5-21 20:04
原帖由 WANNZ 于 2008-5-21 19:34 发表
geow 是全即時光照?:企鹅抽筋蹬腿: :企鹅捶地: :肥雀寒:

盤盤也來啦:猴子赞同: :猴子赞同: :猴子赞同:

#38 神话传说3 2008-5-21 20:12

#39 sherho 2008-5-21 20:36
一篇July 11, 2007 的文章,现在讨论的意义几乎没有。还是等KZ2出来了再研究也不迟:笑脸:

#40 杀气腾腾 2008-5-21 20:40

#41 hourousha 2008-5-21 20:42

pro-pixel leatherization diffusion

又看到这种NB的名词和翻译了:企鹅抽筋蹬腿: :企鹅抽筋蹬腿:

#42 west2046 2008-5-21 20:49
製作人:《戰爭機器2》將把X360推向極限 by





#43 WANNZ 2008-5-21 20:49
原帖由 村上春樹 于 2008-5-21 20:04 发表

盤盤也來啦:猴子赞同: :猴子赞同: :猴子赞同:


#44 cfqxd 2008-5-21 20:56
盘盘还是用psony xx 的号吧,让大家知道你来了

#45 村上春樹 2008-5-21 20:58
原帖由 WANNZ 于 2008-5-21 20:49 发表


沒關係啊,A9 現在也在悼念,我沒差.

#46 DBTEL 2008-5-21 22:38
原帖由 WANNZ 于 2008-5-21 20:49 发表



#47 moonworm 2008-5-21 22:49
原帖由 DBTEL 于 2008-5-21 22:38 发表



#48 piglet 2008-5-22 01:00
LZ真的以为别人都看不懂蝇文?或者以为别人最多停留在天师那much of、as solid as的水平上?

#49 piglet 2008-5-22 01:24

While not featuring as much normal mapping in pro-pixel leatherization diffusion as Gears of War, it bests it in other ways. For one, there's more polygonal detail in, well, everything. Soldiers' faces looked unbelievable, and while you can pick out polygons while studying their shoulders, we must repeat that you have to study them. Streets and buildings are lined with stuff, and there's not really a better way to encompass that. Power lines, boxes, railings, window sills, trash... it's all there. While there aren't as many effects going on as we've seen in some UE3 gamers, there's unmistakably more detail to everything.


The lighting is also smoother. While UE3 games like Gears boast realtime lighting for everything, Killzone 2's lighting scheme mixes realtime and pre-canned lighting for an extremely smooth and, frankly, extremely impressive lighting model. The art direction, what with its dark colors and overly-gritty feel, keep the game from looking "real", but that doesn't mean it isn't absolutely immersive. I will personally say that I can't remember seeing a more impressive lighting model than this. More realistic? Maybe. But more impressive? No.



#50 piglet 2008-5-22 01:25

[PS3]【原文翻译】killzone2 之印象――注意:ign并没有说kz2技术如何强大

E3 2007: Killzone 2 Impressions

killzone2 之印象

Yes, it's real.是的是真的!

by Chris Roper
July 11, 2007 - Note: Images and video coming very soon.注意图形和视频会紧随其后的。

Tonight, Sony Computer Entertainment finally pulled the curtains back from its highly-anticipated first-person shooter, Killzone 2. The console giant has been entirely mum on the game since its debut at E3 2005, and though it started with tremendous hype, gamers have grown more and more weary over its status as time has gone on. The issue up until now has been that as impressive as the trailer was, it was all pre-rendered, and being that no one has really heard about the game in nearly two years now (aside from an SDK demo at this year's GDC which was in no-way indicative of the actual title), gamers everywhere have simply had to speculate as to whether or not it would live up to the extremely impressive trailer. And perhaps more so, whether or not said pre-rendered footage would doom the game to become a disappointment.

Tonight's demo opened very similarly to what we saw two years ago. Clouds canvassed the screen until a soldier's head crept into view. He and others on his "cargo" vessel converse in short and abrupt sentences about how they're on their way to certain death. The scene is extremely similar to the lead-up to the invasion on Normandy Beach - certain hell is ahead, and the soldiers can't help but hold on to their helmets and hope to make it to the war zone intact and actually have a fighting chance.

A couple more vessels come into view, engines kicking below their flat surface while soldiers can only crouch and hold on to the thin railing. There's no protection here, nor even seats. Just as the clouds begin to part, one of the vessels is hit by incoming fire and begins plummeting to the very expansive city below. After falling for what seems like an eternity, it finally lands in a ball of flame as soldiers on the other vessels talk about how they're certain to die. Their commander tells everyone to lock and load...

The opening was once again fantastic, but we couldn't help but sit there and think, "When are we finally going to see some in-game footage?" The only thing was that we had been looking at in-game footage. As soon as our soldier hits the ground and his gun comes into view, very much like what we saw with the opening to Resistance, we couldn't help but think, "Holy hell, all of that was in-game?"

Indeed, it's quickly apparent that Guerilla has come much closer to the original trailer than most anyone thought possible. It's not 100% identical to be sure, but there are times (quite often) when it's really, really damn close.
While not featuring as much normal mapping in pro-pixel leatherization diffusion as Gears of War, it bests it in other ways. For one, there's more polygonal detail in, well, everything. Soldiers' faces looked unbelievable, and while you can pick out polygons while studying their shoulders, we must repeat that you have to study them. Streets and buildings are lined with stuff, and there's not really a better way to encompass that. Power lines, boxes, railings, window sills, trash... it's all there. While there aren't as many effects going on as we've seen in some UE3 gamers, there's unmistakably more detail to everything.

The lighting is also smoother. While UE3 games like Gears boast realtime lighting for everything, Killzone 2's lighting scheme mixes realtime and pre-canned lighting for an extremely smooth and, frankly, extremely impressive lighting model. The art direction, what with its dark colors and overly-gritty feel, keep the game from looking "real", but that doesn't mean it isn't absolutely immersive. I will personally say that I can't remember seeing a more impressive lighting model than this. More realistic? Maybe. But more impressive? No.

Now for the gameplay... Do you remember what it felt like to first play Call of Duty, with bullets flying everywhere and feeling like safety or even pause was nowhere to be found? That's Killzone 2 in a nutshell. The bullets only stopped when a hallway was cleared and you haven't gotten to the next corner yet. And that didn't happen very often.
Taking place in the streets of the city, inside its alley-flanking buildings, on second- and third-story balconies and on a rooftop or two, there were always Helghast about and bullets were always in the air. One theme is clear - you'll never stay put. The demo-er rarely stopped moving, and when he did it was only to take out a single soldier. As soon as that one was dead, he was on the move again.

A cover system looks to be in place in some fashion, though it's a little unclear as to how "deep" it is. You're able to lean around the sides of cover or corners to take out enemies, and you can blind fire around and over it (with your soldier holding his weapon sideways as it kicks bullets into uncertain territory). It didn't kick you out to a third-person view ala Rainbow Six: Vegas however, so we're not sure how much you're intended to rely on it.
Speaking of not switching views, there were only two points in the demo where the view was not in first-person. One was at the very end of the level to show off a nice explosion, and another when the level's mini-boss appeared. When the player approached one of the alleyways, the camera pulled away and zoomed in on a massive, chaingun-wielding Helghast soldier, replete with nearly a tanks-worth of armor. He took down a number of AI soldiers before the Guerilla rep was able to stun him with some bullets to the face and then take him out by shooting some energy packs on his back. We expect the rest of the game to play out in a similar manner where most cutscenes leave you in a first-person view, while specific scenes or characters of importance are highlighted.

The big explosion at the end that we referred to has to do with the destruction of an electrical canon, the end-goal of the level. Throughout the mission, the sky lit up repeatedly with lightning that lit up the environment. We originally thought this was solely the work of mother nature and unrelated to the battle, but once we finally got a view of the city from a few stories up we saw that some of the electricity was coming from something man-made, or Helghast-made, to be precise.

The Helghast are capable of utilizing, and perhaps even controlling, the weather. This level has you seek out an electrical canon that first absorbs lightning, and then re-use the energy as an offensive weapon. We're not sure how much weather will play out in the rest of the game, but at the end of the demo Guerilla noted that weather will indeed play a part in actual gameplay, and that the Helghast will certainly make use of it.



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