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时间:08-05-22 18:04

前不久坂垣伴信对Rockstar和《横行霸道IV》毫不吝啬地大加赞赏,甚至称暴力游戏领域没有谁比Rockstar更讲职业精神,以至于一瞬间让大家产生了太阳打西边出来的错觉。不过现在看来,坂垣伴信还是坂垣伴信,只要是他看着不爽的,即便是Tecmo和Team Ninja自己的作品也照骂不误。
《忍者龙剑传Σ(Ninja Gaiden Sigma)》发售之初,曾有报道说坂垣伴信拒绝参加游戏的签名促销活动,他的态度现在似乎也没有什么改变。日前在接受CVG记者采访时,坂垣伴信再次被问到了对于这款PS3重制版游戏的看法,他的回答是:“不怎么样!”

答:我们宣布过它是Xbox 360独占,尽管我控制不了Tecmo公司,可这里头要是发生什么变故恐怕牵涉其中的某人会大失颜面。

回复列表 (32)
#2 谁家那个小那谁 2008-5-22 18:07
平身 :D

#3 谁知道呢 2008-5-22 18:24

#4 hugang 2008-5-22 18:26

#5 血月 2008-5-22 18:58
赞图:肥雀得意: :肥雀得意: :肥雀得意:

#6 古兰佐 2008-5-22 19:01


#7 杀气腾腾 2008-5-22 19:01

#8 江西恐龙 2008-5-22 19:03
原帖由 古兰佐 于 2008-5-22 19:01 发表


:企鹅捶地: :企鹅捶地: :企鹅捶地:

#9 jfb 2008-5-22 19:04
日本 像硫酸脸 这样 敢说 的人,基本上绝迹了 :笑脸:

#10 westlost 2008-5-22 19:10

#11 超越梦想 2008-5-22 19:11

#12 DeathNote 2008-5-22 19:26

#13 舟易行 2008-5-22 19:30

#14 夹心饼干 2008-5-22 19:31

#15 凤凰 2008-5-22 20:47

#16 WANNZ 2008-5-22 20:49

#17 wei89wei 2008-5-22 20:54

#18 DBTEL 2008-5-22 20:58
原帖由 WANNZ 于 2008-5-22 20:49 发表


#19 RestlessDream 2008-5-22 21:23
Please tell us that the stories of Ninja Gaiden II being the last game in the series EVER aren't true!

Tomonobu Itagaki: Ha, I've done everything I wanted to accomplish with this franchise and all of my closest colleagues are satisfied and agree that we've done as much as we can with it.

What did you think of the PS3 game Ninja Gaiden: Sigma? I'm told you won't even sign copies of the game...?

Itagaki: It was no good.

Why's that? I thought it was pretty good.

Itagaki: All you need to do is play Ninja Gaiden II and then try and play Sigma afterwards and you'll see why.

Despite the fact that it's on a 'next-generation' console there's no evolution whatsoever. That was made not by me, but one of my sub-ordinates who basically tried to copy the success of Ninja Gaiden.

Does that mean we'll never see NGII on PS3?

Itagaki: No because it's a 360 exclusive.

But Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden: Black were Xbox exclusives at the time...

Itagaki: We've announced it as an Xbox 360 exclusive, but I don't own Tecmo the company. But if that were to ever happen it would be a loss of face for everyone involved.

As the NG series is at an end then, what's your favourite memory of the series?

Itagaki: I think it's probably the Attract mode which you might have seen when you leave the screen on without doing anything. It shows a ninja graveyard. That's my most memorable moment.

What would you like the series to be remembered for?

Itagaki: I'd like to be remembered as the black sheep of game design.

So what's next for Dead or Alive?

Itagaki: This is another area that me and my closest colleagues all agree that we were able to achieve the definitive fighting game with DOA4. So we're not looking to extend the series at this point.

What's next then? Where do you go from here?

Itagaki: I'd like to make a brand new action game. Something that no one's ever seen before.

And ideas on what that might be? You're going to take some time off first though, right?

Itagaki: Yes, I'm going to take a few months off before I really get into it. But regardless of what it is I think you'll definitely see violence as a component of that franchise as well.

So the whole 'violence in games' issue doesn't worry you then?

Itagaki: No, it does not bother me because we are following all of the rules in terms of ratings. And I believe we're following morality as well in only showing violence between combatants. I think the 'violence issue' is something that is within each individual who plays the game.

I'm not shallow enough to tell people that they shouldn't be concerned with violence and I don't want to put words in other people's mouths. I just know that I have to follow the ratings and make sure it's not going to offend anybody. I feel there is no issue with that.

If I had any complaints about government regulations it would be the fact that Tokyo recently outlawed smoking in taxi cabs. That's a bigger problem for me right now.

What are your thoughts on Grand Theft Auto IV?

Itagaki: I think it's made extremely well and is a fun game. People always use that as an example of violence in games. I don't think there's anyone who takes their job as seriously as the guys who make that game. You only have to look at all the detail in there.

Worthy of being the biggest game of all time?

Itagaki: I think it's an important argument to make that; how many billions of people in the world are there? And it sold a few million copies. In the overall scheme of things it's not a huge deal.

But it is the biggest entertainment launch ever. And that's a fact. Do you think it's worthy of that headline?

Itagaki: I don't want you to think I'm being cynical, or that I'm trying to dodge the question or anything, but I don't think of those things like that. As far as me thinking it's worthy, I don't have a particular opinion. I mean it sold, people bought it. That's the reality of it.

PR: Time's up.

Itagaki: How did you like the content of the answers?

CVG: Yeah, very good. Better than I thought they'd be through an interpreter.

Itagaki: Laughs

关键词: no good / extremely well / Xbox 360 exclusive / a brand new action game

#20 hpkiller 2008-5-22 21:27

#21 tianxianbaobao 2008-5-22 21:28



:哇哦(赵叔专用): :哇哦(赵叔专用): :哇哦(赵叔专用):

#22 hpkiller 2008-5-22 21:30
宝宝,请教下您的签名的意义,告诉我你的心声。:哇哦(赵叔专用): :哇哦(赵叔专用): :哇哦(赵叔专用):

#23 bushsq001 2008-5-22 22:04


#24 ppboc 2008-5-23 06:16

#25 谁家那个小那谁 2008-5-23 06:25
原帖由 tianxianbaobao 于 2008-5-22 21:28 发表


忍龙2会 ...

我一定要把你办了 :企鹅捶地:

#26 江户川柯南 2008-5-23 06:35
:母猴羞羞(阿姨专用): :母猴羞羞(阿姨专用): :母猴羞羞(阿姨专用):


#27 jfb 2008-5-23 08:45
其实已 天线宝宝, 天师之类的人才, 做 营销 业务员, 月收入 1万没有问题。 :D

#28 小水 2008-5-23 11:37

#29 bobykid 2008-5-23 13:35
原帖由 jfb 于 2008-5-23 08:45 发表
其实已 天线宝宝, 天师之类的人才, 做 营销 业务员, 月收入 1万没有问题。 :D


#30 z19872002 2008-5-23 13:54
原帖由 tianxianbaobao 于 2008-5-22 21:28 发表


忍龙2会 ...


#31 arioniori 2008-5-23 15:58
就一神经病~~~ 只能这么评价这“人”了。。。。。。

#32 苍月紫暮 2008-5-23 20:11

#33 coolswan 2008-5-23 23:09

