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时间:09-02-18 13:21

微软负责打理Xbox 360及Xbox Live业务的主管Aaron Greenberg在接受英国《Edge》杂志的采访时表示:







另外,由Ensemble前资深雇员成立的独立游戏软件工作室Robot Entertainment近日宣布将重拾Ensemble的未完事业,为即将面市的主机RTS游戏《Halo Wars》开发后继内容。

这家新单位的创立者Tony Goodman也曾是Ensemble的缔造者,他许诺会继续为《帝国时代》及《Halo Wars》社群提供技术支持。

Robot Entertainment目前已拥有45名雇员,均来自Ensemble,Tony Goodman是他们的首席执行官。

回复列表 (25)
#2 天师教教徒乙 2009-2-18 13:25
作为对卖狗肉骚妇的感谢,俺决定刷机。。。。:企鹅抽筋蹬腿: :企鹅抽筋蹬腿: :企鹅抽筋蹬腿: :企鹅抽筋蹬腿:

#3 mephisto 2009-2-18 13:31

#4 恨水无痕 2009-2-18 13:34

#5 OOGIK 2009-2-18 13:38

#6 有機械者有機心 2009-2-18 13:41

#7 神话传说完美版 2009-2-18 13:45
原帖由 恨水无痕 于 2009-2-18 13:34 发表


#8 火星人一号 2009-2-18 13:45
原帖由 有機械者有機心 于 2009-2-18 13:41 发表


#9 小水 2009-2-18 14:27

#10 GAYBL 2009-2-18 14:28

#11 bb18cm 2009-2-18 14:31

#12 freesound7910 2009-2-18 14:38
原帖由 恨水无痕 于 2009-2-18 13:34 发表

嗯 软饭眼中xo不会三红 只是被迫需要偶尔的去买台新机器为xo的累积销量添砖加瓦:D

#13 allensakura 2009-2-18 14:40

#14 shinkamui 2009-2-18 20:12
原帖由 OOGIK 于 2009-2-18 13:38 发表


Can Gamers Stop Worrying About Red Ring?By Kris Graft

February 16, 2009
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"What it comes down to is isolating and figuring out the issue, fixing the issue, and the more that we can fix the issue, and know it's fixed, then we're good going forward."

Along with all of the commercial and critical software hits of the Xbox 360, Xbox Live's innovations in online, and Microsoft's successes against more established videogame hardware makers, the ugly blemish staining those accomplishments will be the defect known as the "Red Ring of Death."

To Microsoft's credit, though, after a period of denial, the company made substantial, fiscally painful moves to help remedy the hardware-killing issues that are alerted through three flashing red lights on the face of the console. Notably, Microsoft admitted in July 2007 "an unacceptable number of repairs" that had to be done to Xbox 360s, subsequently earmarking around $1.1 billion to cover the cost of an extended warranty good for three years for "RROD"-afflicted systems.

But when consumers send in consoles for RROD-related repairs these days, what kinds of fixes does Microsoft implement, and will gamers just end up sending back "fixed" Xbox 360s to be patched up a few months down the line? Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg hopes that will not be the case. "We've improved that [repair] process," he says, declining to get into specifics. "It's very quick, and they may upgrade your system with the latest technology. So that works really well.

"...What we do in general, the way that it works, is that they will fix it with the latest [hardware] improvements that we've applied [to current Xbox 360s]. Obviously we're continuously improving the technology inside the box, not to get too technical. So they'll apply that when they make the increments to your system."

As with many consumer electronics, and certainly videogame consoles, hardware makers make continuous improvements to hardware, most not outwardly visible. By updating a console with, for example, cooler-running components or reducing the number of internal parts, the changes not only benefit gamers, but also cut costs. The Xbox 360 is no exception, as the latest hardware revision, codenamed "Jasper," reportedly hit the market late last year.

However, there have been past reports of "refurbished" Xbox 360s failing multiple times after being sent in for repair. A report by Venture Beat's Dean Takahashi chronicled one Xbox fan who had gone through four refurbishes, while one can find any number of unsubstantiated claims by forum-goers who have likewise cycled through multiple Xbox 360s.

Greenberg claims such problems should soon be a thing of the past. "We're seeing great performance of the current systems, so we're really happy with the way they've been performing. ... From friends that have had [repairs] done as of late, I can tell you from our own internal staff that we're seeing very strong performance from a quality standpoint.

"What it comes down to is isolating and figuring out the issue, fixing the issue, and the more that we can fix the issue, and know it's fixed, then we're good going forward. We've put the worst behind us on this, but we know there are a few lagging systems, and so we want to take those and make it right."

So what are the exact hardware updates that apparently find their way into fixed Xbox 360s? Following standard practice, Greenberg says he can't reveal the exact specifications that are applied to today's fixed Xbox 360s because Microsoft's "attorneys would not allow me to say that."

#15 首斩破沙罗- 2009-2-18 22:27

#16 zentdk 2009-2-18 22:42
[posted by wap, platform: UCWEB]

#17 比卡丘 2009-2-19 08:12
[posted by wap, platform: UCWEB]

#18 wouwou 2009-2-19 08:14


#19 n0thing 2009-2-19 10:15
:企鹅结冰: 现在玩家都不惧怕三红了

#20 zafm0861 2009-2-19 10:21

#21 n0thing 2009-2-19 10:27
:企鹅拍手带字幕: 软饭从此无敌!

#22 foxhounds 2009-2-19 10:27
被QJ久了 就变成SJ。


#23 hong693 2009-2-19 11:37

#24 kukutiti 2009-2-19 12:16
有硬盘安装的话三红几率小多了:绿脸贱笑:兔打哈欠: 不过我遇到一个问题,在打忍龙2的时候,过场情节放完之后就黑屏。

#25 匿名熊猫 2009-2-20 10:49


#26 拳人类 2009-2-20 13:03
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