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标题:MS花小钱收购 3DV 公司的资产,包括3D摄像头 Z-CAM
时间:09-05-15 18:23

Teamxbox 获悉微软将以 500-700 万的价格收购 3DV Systems 公司的资产,包括他们的采用3D技术的摄像头 Z-Cam 及配套的手势识别软件。

Z-Cam 是使用 TOF 技术的USB接口 3D 感应摄像头,侦测短暂时间片中的光脉冲变化以定位目标的位置和动作,有点象传统的雷达系统,不过以光脉冲替代无线脉冲。

Back in February, Israeli business publication Haaretz reported that Microsoft had plans to buy 3DV Systems, the makers of Z-Cam, which is rumored to be Microsoft's answer to the Nintedo Wii and its motion sensing controller. Today, has learned from an insider source that Microsoft has agreed to acquire 3DV Systems Ltd. from Elron Electronic Industries.

The insider told us Microsoft is paying between five and seven million for all of 3DV Systems assets. The companies will close the transaction next month after they make an official announcement. The insider said Microsoft is also evaluating the acquisition of a 3D gesture recognition software company.

Z-Cam is a 3D depth sensing USB video camera that uses the time-of-flight (TOF) principle to measure the time taken by a short light pulse emitted by the camera to be reflected.

It works like a conventional radar system, but instead of radio frequencies it uses light impulses. Since the time it takes the light pulse to hit an object (reflection) is directly proportional to the distance of that object to the camera, the Z-Cam sees "pixels with depth." You could say the ZCam captures video in 3D and that's why it can be called a 3D Cam.


回复列表 (4)
#2 hmony 2009-5-15 19:39

#3 GAYBL 2009-5-15 20:15

#4 sniperm82 2009-5-15 20:24

#5 mclovin 2009-5-16 10:12

